
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tattoo Tights

 Why not?

I bought these tights at Halloween a few years ago, and I just adore them. I have another pair with a more subtle tattoo design, but some days subtle just won't do. You know I mean business when I wear the bold tights and funky Christine Alexander jacket. I love this jacket so much from the crazy Victorian cut and styling to the funny nylon material and crystal buttons. Buttoned up it could look convincingly 19th Century-from a distance. There's something so steampunk about it, deliberate or not.

I keep trying to make this skirt work for me, but it isn't to be. First it was too tight, now it is too loose, and it never did hang the way I thought it should. Still, I like the embroidery at the hem enough to keep trying to make it work. I know this is foolish. I spent the better part of today adjusting my belt over the drooping, too large waistband, so I'm afraid this skirt's day's are limited. The blouse is on the chopping block as well. I'm trying to be a bit more ruthless in weeding out the wardrobe. I think the only reason this outfit, "Works" is due to the tights. With tan tights the outfit wouldn't merit a second look.

Outfit Particulars:
80's Chaus blouse-Goodwill
Vintage JR of Florida bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Sara Coventry bracelet-Can't remember
Vintage dangling sequin earrings-New Life Thrift
Belt-Shop Ko
Christine Alexander jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Ma Griffe ( I don't know why either. Must be a "mood thing".)

I had a pair of old coots following me around...
Then, I was very nearly goosed!
 Things are positively wild out there!
I'd better fly now. see you next time!


  1. Haha! I started laughing when I saw the 'old coots'.

    You look Mah-velous!!

    Happy thrifting ;)

  2. There are some garments I can admire but never wear. These tattoo tights are among them. (Length of legs is the deciding factor.)

    However, Steampunk is within my reach and I adore a brown velour jacket much like your Christine Alexander treasure, which I wear with riding pants and lace-up boots. Thought for the day, could you convert that skirt into a Steampunkette cape? Y'know, an elbow length number to wear over a maxi?

  3. I've never considered those tights until I've seen you rocking the sh@t out of them. They look amazing and really add a bit of edge to the rest of the outfit.
    Twizzling skirts? Argghh! Life's too short for all that faff!
    Wonderful bird photos.
    Get your coot love, you've pulled! xxx

  4. Those tattoo tights really make the outfit memorable, though I love the jacket too. It's driving me crazy when I have to keep adjusting my skirt. I love Beth's idea of trying to convert it into a capelet, but then again, it might attract some more old coots! xxx

  5. Er Mah Gawd........I love that Christine Alexander Jacket!
    I have an entire collection of be-rhinestoned clothing from Christine Alexander from Spa-suits to a full on denim cowgirl outfit with rhinestone fireworks all over it! Didi you know that Christine Alexander recently went bankrupt?
    ill fitting skirts begone!
    How weird to see a pelican that far inland.

  6. If I said I had some coots following me around I would be referring to old men!! hahahaha!! Those tights are perfectly out there, we love out there, and the jacket is super cool. Skirts, pfft!! I struggle with them, wrong body shape here for skirts, end up looking like I have left my inflatable life ring on underneath, not a good look. Enjoy your Easter!!!

  7. @Thrifty Parka
    LOTS of old coots hanging about lately ;)

    It might work! Thanks for the suggestion.

    They're surprisingly durable for tights bought at a costume shop.

    I do love an odd pair of tights, though you have an envious collection in wonderful colours.

    Bankrupt?! How awful! Just when I find something I like.
    We very rarely get brown pelicans which are more of a coastal bird. The sort you see here come in flocks of thousands on their way migrating North. They like our rivers and lakes. It is an odd experience having them swooping overhead as they're such large birds.

    Happy Easter. Hope you don't get any old coots bothering you.

  8. Amazing tights! It's a shame about the blouse and skirt because they're both really nice items. The outfit looks really smart and very crisp.

  9. @Veronica
    Thank you. I do think this is a case of something looking better in photos than in life.
