
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Casual Weekend Looks

Oh caftan, my caftan

 This is my Sunday afternoon in summer look. I can't be bothered styling my hair, or matching up tops and skirts at the weekend, so caftans and float-type dresses have become the unofficial rule. I save the tricky stuff for weekdays. A stack of plastic bangles in bright colours will dress up just about anything, not that this dress really required dressing up.

Here's a close-up of the animal print.

I belted the dress as it is so large it kept sliding around at the shoulders. The sash keeps it in place without looking too strange on a dress that wasn't designed for a belt. There are two generous pockets that meant I could have skipped the handbag. I love that. Sometimes I just want to take a quick walk to the post box, or the Walgreen's without carrying more than a wallet and keys. 

Outfit Particulars:
Indian-made (I know, it looks Mexican) float dress-Can't remember, but it was thrifted
Bakelite bangles-all over
Necklace and earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Straw Bag-Goodwill
Belt-came with another dress
Fragrance-Madonna Truth or Dare (aka "Fake Fracas")

I must confess, I've been seduced by dungarees. Dress them up with heels, or down with a tee, they're perfect for (almost) any occasion (in Nebraska anyway) and cost all of $29.00 at the local farm supply store. These are made by Key and as the label says, they are the Aristocrat of Overalls. I'd say that's an accurate claim. 
Perfect attire for an evening of arcade games and putt-putt golf at the Family Fun Center on Q Street. The problem with a pair of dungarees is once you start wearing them, you'll want to wear them all the time. I much prefer changing into these at the end of a day than sweatpants, but then I've never owned a pair of sweats I thought were comfortable. I haven't gone full-on 90's and worn them with a cropped-top and heels yet, but "never say never"!  I'm wearing clogs in this photo. 
Here's a better look at that Betsey Johnson bag. As per my rules, "Two is a coincidence, three is a collection", I now have a collection of Betsey Johnson bags. This one was just made for classing-up a pair of dungarees.

Finally, what's easier to wear than a Hawaiian dress? I skipped the belt, stuck some flowers in my hair and was ready to go in under five minutes. You can't go wrong with white accessories in summer.
Of course, the best white and blue accessory is a Cubs "Win" flag, which I uh...wish I had the opportunity to fly a bit more often. Ahem. Go Cubs!

Do you have a favourite casual look you rely on when you're just not feeling inspired to do much more than take a shower?


  1. Got to love a Hawaiian maxi, I do! They're not as easy to find here (obviously) so I squeal with excitement when I find them.
    That kaftan-y dress is lovely. I love the Afghan cut to it and the print is insanely fabulous. xxx

  2. I love bonkers animal pictures - our upstairs hallway is where my collection lives - so your caftan gets a big thums up from me. The hippo teeth!

    That Hawaiian dress is really elegant, though. Good for the shopping, good for going to dinner.

  3. I had that same Betsey Johnson purse in a steel/hematite gray! i think I bought mine at Nordstrom rack eons ago.
    Love the caftan & dungarees were my regular gardening ensemble when I lived in California.
    We don't have weekends in Nepal. It's a 6 day work week with only Saturdays off here. (Unless there's a festival in which case all days are holidays) So Sundays are like Mondays here & I have deemed Saturday as my 'spa' day. I lounge in one of my spa suits (which are mostly French terry rhinestone studded track suit by Christine Alexander) in the cooler seasons or a splendid cotton caftan in the warmer months. Then I either traipse down to my favorite spa (Habib's or Cleopatra's in the tourist district) for a mani/pedi or I spa at home with a self applied face mask, hair mask, hand mask, & any necessary depilation (brows, dermaplaning/aka shaving, etc). It's all quite luxurious but necessary self-care!

  4. Wow, that animal print is amazing! I love it! I'm pretty sure I have never worn dungarees and know with my hips I never would. You look fab in yours. Love the Hawaiian dress too, it looks so elegant.

    My casual looks are just slinging on a dress, but my dresses are still dressy to the casual observer and I still get remarks pertaining to "Off somewhere nice?" or "Going dancing?" Um, no, just dressed. Though I never say that of course :)

  5. Indian, you say? Those hot colors do seem Mexican, but the close-up of the print looks Japanese to me. (They do "cute animals" better than most.)

    Ah, that cool Blue Hawaiian maxi, plus a flower in the hair...! My pet casual look is and orange slip maxi, worn with now non-PC ivory earrings and platform sandals left over from my years on stage with a Japanese Minyo troupe.

    As you say, the Betsey Johnson bag was made to dress up dungarees -- but I don't wear dunagrees. To quote the great Ann Miller, "They're too damn hot!"

  6. The print on your floaty dress is wonderful and I love both the blue Hawaiian maxi and the dungarees are very cool.I do love your hair up and with the flower, too.

    I've never worn dungarees and I couldn't afford to buy a 'flying suit'/ 'jumpsuit' when they were fashionable in the 80s. I'd wear one of those if I found one in a charity shop. In fact I have found several but not my size...

    My go to outfit for summer if it's very hot (as it has been here) is a yellow and black African print floor length kaftan made of very fine cotton. Unfortunately it's see through; otherwise I would have featured it on the blog and of course I only wear it round the house and in the garden.

  7. @Vix
    Hawaii is pretty far from Nebraska too-so I completely understand! When I was a kid fresh pineapple was still a somewhat exotic treat as they came from Hawaii. Mr. ETB lived there in the mid 60's-lucky bastard!

    Now that's something I didn't know about you. Someday you'll have to show us the collection .

    Oooh, I should go on ebay and look for it in gunmetal. I really love this bag. My spa-day is Saturday when the boys are off to bird banding and I don't need to do anything for myself.

    Casual is whatever you're comfortable in, dress or otherwise. I get asked what my, "costume" is quite a lot. I usually say, "Middle aged woman."

    I think old ivory like old furs get a pass because they weren't prohibited at the time of manufacture. It only becomes a problem if you want to sell it (demonstrating it was pre-ban, etc.). An orange slip maxi sounds elegant, as do the platforms.

    Maybe you can find a lightweight cotton slip to wear beneath it. I'll bet it would do double duty in cold weather over a polo neck and leggings.

  8. Oh, that animal print is just wonderful. So much detail! As you have doubtless already noticed, I am quite happy letting such dresses flap about in all their glory, unbelted - you certainly up the glam factor. I do love your raspberry set, I bet you always wear it a few times after making the half-birthday cake ;)
    You are great in dungarees, though I doubt I shall ever wear them again: my most recent pair was as a teenager during the mid-nineties when they were very fashionable (not that whether or not something is fashionable determines whether or not I will wear it, of course). I had a very thin brown cord pair which I wore all summer whilst childminding two small kids whose mother had just had a baby. Unfortunately their father was an extremely sleazy type and the memory has put me off the garment ever since.
    Your Hawaiian maxi is just so elegant - I admit that I hadn't known Hawaiian print could be elegant until now. You stunner!

  9. @Radostin
    Thank you. You carry those dresses better than I do. I look too short and frumpy in loose clothes where you just look wonderfully casual and effortlessly chic. I'm envious!

    Yeah, I know what you mean about people ruining clothes for you. I've had things that reminded me of someone I disliked and had to get rid of. That happens to me quite a bit with fragrances.

  10. You are very kind! I am quite tall (just under 5'8"), but my mum was tiny (only up to my chin, but with a long torso and short legs in relation to her height - I am the opposite, she was actually taller than me sitting down!) and both loved to wear, and looked fab in, big and long dresses. I guess it's just what you feel as wearer.

  11. By which I mean, taller than me if we were both sitting down! Heehee!

  12. That caftan is a feast for the eyes! I have been thinking about dungarees too, ever since I saw of a photo of me, aged 18, wearing a much loved, but forgotten pair. I'm sure I'd look horrible in dungarees, though, unlike you. xxx
