
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Paco and Liz

I wasn't able to find out much about Paco Silva other than he had a boutique at one time in an upscale mall in Guadalajara. That's a pity, because this linen dress is beautifully made, original looking, and the designer probably had other equally beautiful items for sale. I tried Etsy, and eBay and came up empty handed. 
The linen fabric is so soft,. it almost feels synthetic. Wrinkling was minimal, even on a beastly hot day. The sequins are tastefully done (not that I have anything against gaudy sequins) and the overall effect is that of a beautiful dress that probably set a tourist back more than a few Pesos.

We're only a few days into the heatwave that is expected to last another week or so. We're managing, but I'm not using the oven, and waiting until late in the evening to run the washer. We're using minimal lights to keep the temperature down, and just generally going places that are cool. No matter how bad it gets, we have central air conditioning here (even if it struggles to keep up) unlike the farm where we managed with ceiling fans and a small window air conditioning unit. I don't miss that at all! 
Outfit Particulars:
Paco Silva dress-Goodwill
Coral earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Mexican necklace (I have so many of these, but this one was pink so I *needed* it)-Yard Sale
Fragrance-Vintage formulation White Shoulders (terrible name. nice perfume)
Quartz bangle-Goodwill
So that's Paco, now let's have a look at Liz,

 I purchased this Liz Claiborne skirt a couple years ago but truth be told, it just isn't, "Me." I like the border print, and the ric-rac, and the embroidered tops of the beach umbrellas but together? I just can't make it work with anything but a simple black top. That's not to say there's anything wrong with the way I put it together-I'd admire it if I saw it on someone else, but for myself it feels like a waste of an outfit. I have other clothes I'd rather wear.
The skirt is lined, but the lining is cotton which keeps it from moving the way I like a skirt to. It is also sewn together (lining and skirt) at the bottom, which does keep it from hiking up on me, but it feels awkward. And it wrinkles. That was the final straw.
But let's not dwell on an imperfect skirt when we can admire the retro-eye makeup I'm sporting. You know how some days you wake up and think, "God, I'd like a gin and tonic" but it is still too early to politely drink so you go back to bed until noon and then pour yourself a respectable, "Afternoon" drinky? Yeah, so my point is (I'm getting to it, hold your horses) if it is already afternoon when you get up and you've had a G&T it makes perfect sense to go for bright blue eye makeup as you're the better part of the way to evening anyhow. Somehow bright blue eyeliner and mascara never appeal in the cold harsh light of early pre-cocktails morning. I'm on holiday now-I can't be expected to do much before noon. Oh, and the syllabus for 2017-18 is submitted. Hooray!
I wore my coral necklace for the first time this year. I found it in a thrift last year, but I've been cautious wearing it as it is delicate and would be impossible to replace. I've been lucky with the things I find-Last weekend I bought a 50's Hobe parure set of necklace, bracelet and earrings for $ the original box. That was a good find. I haven't really been in much of a shopping mood, but then once I'm out I'm always glad I went.

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