
Monday, October 16, 2017

Rocktoberfest-Autumn Neutrals Edition

Whew, what a nice but busy weekend I had! There was opera, baseball, baking, running and even time for a spot of thrifting. Can't find fault with any of it...well, it would have been nice if our team won, but you can't have everything. I did well in the thrifts and I will have some interesting pieces to show you in coming posts. I've been trying to avoid buying all but the very best pieces as I absolutely need nothing. Good thing the shops have been generously offering up the very best stuff! I did resist buying more pottery...not easily done. I could buy a complete China service for what I spent on four pair of tights at Target today. Yeah, but I can't wear a salad plate under a skirt, 'ya know?
I wasn't sure if I'd ever shown this Mexican tourist jacket on the blog, so I wanted to make certain the back was photographed as well. The sun thwarted our attempts at a detailed photo, but I think you can get the idea. The jacket is made of felt anf the flowers are embroidered. I have three of these jackets, but this is my favourite by far. 
Mr. ETB remarked that I was, "Dressed normal" today, but quickly elaborated, "For you." Fair enough, but I'd have swatted him if he'd  been standing nearer when he said it.  
 I don't wear too many dresses with tight-fitting tops, but this one seemed to work without making me look like I'd been squeezed into a sausage casing. As I have a very similar dress, I must now decide between them in an effort to whittle down my wardrobe.
Well, looking at them side-by-side they are a bit different-but similar enough in colour that I should probably unload one. I think I prefer the one I wore today. This is an on-going problem as I like certain styles/colours/designs and have a tendency to keep purchasing similar items. That's how I ended up with a dozen blue and white spotty/polka dot dresses. We won't discuss my fondness for brown skirts, or kilts.

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage Mexican tourist jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Bangles-all Hand-Me-Ups or Goodwill
Vintage Miami Creations handbag (they didn't only do straw and lucite)-Antique mall
Terra cotta clip earrings-Sequels
Brooch on jacket-Goodwill
Tumbling leaves brooch on jacket-Sarpy museum yard sale
Fragrance-Guerlain Heritage (men's frag but completely unisex to my nose)

 I so wasn't kidding about owning too much brown clothing-here's what I wore yesterday!
 One of many brown jackets in my wardrobe.
I have owned the blouse for thirty years though, so I can;t very well get rid of it now! Actually, it is more like 35 years. So hey, now it is vintage!

Outfit Particulars:
Blouse-Marshall Fields Country Shop-80's
Talbot's jacket-90's-ish
Brown 80's skirt-Goodwill
Wheat sheaf brooch-Thrift World (I think)
Sara Coventry earrings-can't remember (there's a matching brooch)
It shouldn't be possible to get into a style rut shopping secondhand, but I guess my taste is rather set. Do you find yourself buying similar things again and again? 


  1. Looking very Fall & festive! I think the small print dress fits you better but the large butterfly/animal print is fab simply because it's so outrageously wild & late 70's/early 80's.
    I used to get into an all black rut in the US- at one point I owned 14 black turtlenecks of varying fibers and weaves. Now I get into kurtis (tunics) & churIdars (Indian style leggings) ruts - but the color scheme is always varied & veering on Bollywood!
    I need a kilim purse like that for my stitchery projects.

  2. I love that Mexican tourist jacket and that fabulous carpet bag. xxx

  3. My wardrobe essentials have remain unchanged: "interesting" jackets over solid tops and slacks. I ring the changes in fabrics and accessories, particularly in pins, purses and clip-earrings.

    I am in awe of your skill in blending not only colors but also patterns! The brown ensembles are exactly right for this odd mid-season and your geographical location. (The wheat sheaf pin is exquisite.) Question: Do you organize by season or color or...?

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I like the first dress best, I like the colors on you and I like the fit. Perfect for Autumn. Where do you keep all these clothes, you have enough for a store? JanF

  5. Yes! Patterned cardigans and fancy coats/jackets. I nearly bought another fancy jacket today only it was two sizes too big!

    I love your first brown dress; it fits you beautifully. The second brown dress had a wonderful pattern but I don't think the fit was as flattering as the first. Was the first one an Empire line fit?

    The Mexican jacket is wonderful; I'd have definitely bought it if I saw it.

    Wonderful accessories as always.

    You sound as if you've had a brilliant weekend; hope the week continues in the same vein...

  6. That Mexican jacket is fabulous! If you are going to take the plunge and get rid of one of the dresses, for what it's worth the first one's my favourite, and more you, I think. I do find myself picking up lots of floral print black dresses and skirts. They're variations on a theme, but all slightly different. xxx

  7. @Bibi
    Go for the full Bollywood look-you only live once!
    I like the dress because the print reminds me of a Flicker woodpecker, but yeah, I have to pin it at the bust to keep it decent.

    Thank you. I have a serious weakness for carpet bags.

    Let's hear it for interesting jackets!
    I pack away clothes by season, though I do have decent closet space in this house. You know how midwestern weather is though-it can be 80 degrees in October, so I try to keep lightweight clothes in seasonal hues. I *could* wear a gingham sundress now, but I wouldn't feel right in it. By spring though, all bets are off and I'll be wearing Hawaiian dresses with long underwear!

    Space bags. Really, they're fantastic.

    The first dress had a "mock" wrap top, but unlike the second dress was sewn shut. I don't mind a dress adding a few pounds (I'm too old to care about that, particularly if I like something) but I don't like flashing my boobs all over town!

    I appreciate your input. I know what you mean about it being more "you", and that's of course true. I'm attracted to bombshell dresses, but I just don't seem able to pull them off. That's not age speaking-I couldn't wear them 30 years ago either ;)

  8. I do like brown clothes. You have a good selection here. I wouldn't have categorised those two dresses together; despite all their listsable similarities the mood is so different.

  9. @Radostin
    I unpacked a few boxes of autumn/early winter clothes today. Piled up, they all looked like variations on the same thing. My husband said it was like a big, brown tweed mountain. Not that a tweed mountain is a bad thing, but you know ;)

  10. Oooh, what a smashing jacket! The flowers remind me of the embroidered ones on our living room curtains, so pretty.

  11. Surely if you have two dresses that look very much alike, the answer is to find a third and start a collection?

  12. @Melanie
    Better keep your curtains away from vintage loving friends...many an outfit started out as curtains ;)

    That's my thinking too, but I really must downsize.
