
Tuesday, October 03, 2017

You Don't Need a Seance to Talk With Ghosts

 "Hey, Goody? Can I come in the house?"
"Here, I have some broccoli for you."
"That's MY broccoli."
"Can I come in the house?"
"Why not?"
"The house is already haunted."
"Aw, that's no ghost, that's just bats in the ductwork."
"Why does the cat get to stay inside?"
"Look, I have to go bleed the radiators..."
"You don't *have* radiators, you have forced hot air with a bat in the ducts."
"You can't come in."
"Rolland the snowman gets to live inside"
"In the freezer."
"Can I..."

 There was something so adorably goofy about the ghost, I had to buy him last weekend. I'm sure he gives passersby a good laugh. The cat had to go in the window as we have several neighbours with cats that do just that. I'm sure they're looking at it thinking, "I know that's no cat but..."

 It was warm when I dressed, by the afternoon the rain and cold came through dropping us 20 degrees. I'm not too upset-I was getting tired of the heat already. By Rocktober I'm ready for some suede and wool.
I'm still harvesting tomatoes and herbs like mad. I'm roasting and freezing them for quick dinners once the winter holidays are in swing. Roasted cherry tomatoes make a lovely pizza topping too.
The supermarket had tea on offer today-at half-off. I did the maths, and this is about a 1 year supply for me. I'll probably be around another year (though I sure as hell have had some days of late making me wonder) so this is an investment in my sanity. I can drink other tea, but I'd rather not. With everything going to hell, I like to think tea is the one constant in my life I can look forward to. I look at it this way, you can panic, or you can boil water. Only the latter gets you a soothing warm drink at the end. I have become my grandmother-and she'd have stocked-up too at that price.  They're shrink-wrapped, they'll keep.
I fell in love with the metal detail at the top of the heel on these vintage Naturalizers. At the moment, they're rubbing my messed-up toenail, so I must put a bandage over the nail as a cushion, but I'm looking forward to the day when I can wear them for longer-they're otherwise quite comfortable.
Outfit Particulars:
Skirt and bolero both Goodwill (same day-it was as though they wanted to be together)
Sparkly 80's tee-Hand-Me-Ups
Necklace-Halloween shop
Bangles-all over
Tights-K Mart
Vintage Naturalizer shoes-Sequels
Vintage straw and plastic shoulder bag-Goodwill
Embroidered brooch-Goodwill
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Emeraude
God, I could murder a cup of tea. We could probably all use a cup. Come on over, I have plenty. 


  1. I'd love to join you for a cuppa! It seems odd to see the British staple, PG Tips on your blog. When we went to the States all we could find was that horribly insipid Lipton rubbish!
    I love your tomato red bolero and the look of those roasting tomatoes. I did something similar last week but I added cauliflower, basil, white wine and shredded mozarella - yum! xxx

  2. @Vix

    I suspect PG Tips doesn't sell as well as Lipton and that's why it was all dramatically reduced. Lipton isn't great hot, but people who like iced tea use it as it is less tannic. Twinnings is easily available, but I don't care for it (and the price is absurd). We get Barry's, but only loose and I can't be bothered ;)

    I like your idea of adding cauliflower-I'll try that next.

  3. I'm sure that cat is scaring the hell out of the neighbourhood cats! I love your red and black outfit, and especially that bolero, which is such a fabulous colour. I'm also eyeing your tights! Yummy, those roasted baby tomatoes look delicious! I'd stock up on PG Tips too, I've never seen them here in Belgium. xxx

  4. Aw, let the poor old ghosty inside. He won't make much mess.

    We are tea twins :-) If I can't get Clipper fairtrade I drink PG. And we have huge sacks of PG at work.

    Your tomatoes look really tasty. My tomatoes were doing brilliantly, then they all got blight, probably thanks to our horribly wet August. Wretched things.

  5. I agree with Vix about the Liptons I still bring my own teabags when I travel to the U.S! To be fair I have found some fairly decent varieties in recent visits but I still bring some just in case.

    I never thought of doing that with cherry tomatoes YUM!

  6. Your ghost and cat are great fun! I really should put our meagre decorations up. We already have an autumnal door garland up and Wilf is out, but I still have to get Horace the pirate skull, Bartolomy and his broom and put the bats and lights on Yarn Tree.

    I am very impressed you drink PG Tips! I was sent tea by an American once and I couldn't even tolerate one mouthful, it was like drinking syrup.

  7. Me for tea, especially the assam and oolong that one finds in the British section of Jungle Jim's. Quite right about the benefits of the brewing ritual -- now we health-conscious women brew a cup instead of lighting up!

    I do like your goofy ghost. As the world spins down the pipe, it's reassuring to see that some among us have salvaged their sense of humor. (Of course, there's also much to be said for prudence in stocking up on non-perishables...)

  8. @Ann
    The bolero is more a shocking pink in life. which I can't manage to wear with much besides black.

    This was the first year our tomatoes did well-I ditched the heirloom strains and went for the ones bred to resist blight, etc. We did have quite a lot of white flies, but they didn't do much damage. The broccoli was a big failure though.

    @Miss Magpie
    We have a tea house in the neighbourhood now. I've only been there once, and they have a wide variety of loose tea, but it is certainly not the normal experience in Nebraska. I'm sort of amazed they have remained in business.

    I promise not to send you tea! We do coffee well here, but not tea. Do post photos of your decorations for us to see.

    The day Danny moves out, I'm buying a dozen cartons of Marlboro Reds and a case of the best gin I can afford-and I'm never leaving the house again! Of course the odds of him EVER leaving are slim, so in a strange way, the bad economy and housing costs are the only thing keeping me alive ;)

    Jungle Jim's (great name) sounds like a destination worthy of a road trip.

  9. I'd love a cup of tea with you, Goody!In fact I'm drinking a cup of tea right now - Sainsbury's Earl Grey in a cup and saucer bought from a charity shop, naturally!I had no idea you could get PG tips in the States...

    The tomatoes look delicious.

    The outfit is wonderful - you are very on trend with the fish nets. You look lovely. The skirt and jacket were made for each other...

  10. I forgot to say I love the ghost! And your bag...

  11. @Veronica
    I don't think PG Tips is a big seller here-that's why the dramatic discount. I bought several pair of fishnets a few years ago in the sales when they weren't quite fashionable. Everything comes around, doesn't it?

  12. Is that ribbon appliqué on the bottom of your skirt? The bolero is most impressive - so bold against the black and I like the unusual fastening. Fishnet tights are the perfect touch, too. Your tomatoes look sooooooo delicious, and I am jealous of your PG Tips stock up ;)
    Wooooooo to your ghostie.

  13. @Radostin
    There's ribbon all over the skirt along with some black beads that don't show well in the photo. I bought a similar ribbon adorned skirt in blue and green recently-must be a mood thing.

  14. Wonderful! I can see now that it's all over - must be better light here.
