
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Another Snowless Week in Omaha

I must say, I've enjoyed looking at the beautiful snowy scenes from the American south and across the Atlantic in Europe. I don't exactly envy it, as I know we'll have our own soon enough, but I can't help thinking these outfit posts would look better with a bit of snow. We've been warm, we've been cold...sort of like me since the onset of menopause😁.

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage polyester dress-Thrift World (I think)
Brooches-both Goodwill
Earrings-Can't remember-at least 20 years old)
Headband-K Mart
Boots-K Mart

Apologies for the phone-camera photos. I need to get more comfortable with the new camera before I use it for blog photos. Meantime, enjoy my blurry face-I know I do (wrinkles show less)!
 I know for a fact this outfit would look better with snow, but there wasn't any. Instead, we went to the semi-abandoned mall in Council Bluffs, Iowa to use their shitty decorations as backdrops. I say, "Shitty Decorations" in the very best, semi-abandoned mall kind of way.
You have no idea what kind of looks you get walking around a semi-abandoned mall in Council Bluffs dressed like a cross between Cookie Monster and a disco queen.
This would be the disco  queen part. I've had this jumpsuit for a while, but only now got around to wearing it. I bought a similar one with a silver and black animal print that I'll probably save for some other inappropriate occasion-Easter perhaps?
Outfit Particulars:
80's jumpsuit-Hand-Me-Ups
Faux fur jacket-K Mart
Boots-K Mart
Handbag-I made it
Headband-K Mart
Vintage Shiny Brite Christmas corsage-Thrift World
Fragrance-En Avion

My new barware is getting plenty of use. This is a gingerale, brandy, and lemon juice cocktail.
Recently discovered this ginger beer-quite nice, with a strong ginger flavour. What I wouldn't give to win the 7 night get away to Jamaica. Unfortunately, the contest is for UK residents. Bummer. Good ginger beer though.
 Went to the DeSoto wildlife refuge on Sunday. It was a beautiful day, and there were loads of geese, ducks, and swans to see. There were plenty of bald eagles flying about as well. I love going to DeSoto. I always meet the nicest people, and come away feeling like there's still something to live for. The feeling typically fades as soon as we leave, but for a few hours, the world seems like a better place. It is a wildlife refuge, but it is a bit of a human refuge too, in the emotional sense.
 There's always one person that can't disconnect, and has to bring their tablet along. Hrumph. We should have left him there😏
The light has such a wonderful quality this time of year.
This sweater is the one I most wish I had snow for. Reindeer in knit scarves sort of demand a snowy winter scene, don't you think? I had to make do with 50+ mph winds today, and you'd better believe I wore my "Pervert-proof-panties" beneath that skirt.
I adore the goofiness of this cardigan. What you can't see well in the photo are the pom-pom noses on the reindeer. I'm wearing reindeer earrings as well.

 Outfit Particulars:
Poloneck- K Mart, I think
Tights-K Mart
Crochet handbag-Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-Big Lots (I think)

I'll leave you with a peek at Danny's most recent bake. He's already trying recipes for the State Fair in August. If we could just get a wee bit of snow to keep it from feeling like August...


  1. That cardigan is best piece of Christmas wear I've ever seen!

    What fab outfits. I love the blue dress and floral boots, the jumpsuit and that lovely fluffy jacket. I see the Santa Pants bag is making another appearance - groovy!

    That ginger beer is second only to home made ginger beer - we love it here but I rarely drink fizzy drinks although OH does.

    I agree totally about nature reserves - wonderful places!

    I'm sitting here - thermostat up 25 degrees, wearing trousers, a thermal vest; a jumper and a cardigan; topped with a thick fleecy dressing gown. It's snowy, icy and freezing here...

  2. Looking very festive!
    The last time I went to the US semi-abandoned & in-the-midst-of-bankruptcy malls were in the majority. Not sure if that's due to the economy, online shopping, or a combination of both.
    Your phone cam photos look fine just a bit over exposed (which causes loss of detail) & overly warm in tone - I'm guessing your shooting in auto mode?
    The 80's jumpsuit is fab & I hope we see the silver animal print one for New Year's. The reindeer sweater is gorgeous.
    I'll be healthy & stick to Grey Goose vodka & cranberry juice. No snow here either but I'm seeing lots of forest birds today so it must be snowing in the mountains.

  3. danny´s home baked cookies look gorgeous!
    only topped by your awesome styles! the reindeer sweater is cute and fun, together with the crochet bag, plissé skirt, fishnets and reindeer earrings this outfit is art!
    i so understand the appeal of the wildlife refuge - last week i did "wandern" in the national park here - soooo soothing.....
    aprés ski disco queen is fabulous! even in a half closed mall!
    blue dress with lots of bling - very cool chic!

  4. I'd have been glad to send you our snow for your outfit photos, Goody. We had plenty of it on Sunday and Monday, and it totally messed up my commute. It even made me appreciate all the rain we've been having lately. Anyway, I'm totally in love with that first dress, as well as the furry headband and floral booties you are wearing with it. You're looking fab in that jumpsuit! I guess you'd be getting looks in any mall here, abandoned or not, as everyone else (except me, obviously) would be dressed in the most boring clothes ever. I love the goofy reindeer cardigan, especially the pom pom noses. I'm surprised, though, that you're not wearing the Santa Pants bag with that outfit! xxx

  5. @Veronica
    Danny pretends he doesn't know me when I wear the cardigan in public.

    It is a cheap Tracfone-I'm not sure I can adjust the camera. I try editing after the fact which is easier to do in Instagram.

    He baked enough of the buns that we have several packets in the freezer to last us after Christmas is over. He made a braided loaf version of these for the State Fair and won a blue ribbon.

    Rain is definitely better than snow-you don't need to dig your car out of it.
