
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Think Spring

Only about 90 days to go until Opening Day!

So, we had a little snow for Christmas😁. It was great. The cold freeze that followed has been less fun, but you don't live in Nebraska if you can't take a little cold. Our snow is so dry you can't make a proper snowball out of it.

The jacket I'm wearing is a fun vintage piece by Nolan Miller part of his Dynasty Collection. He designed the clothes for the show, and I could just see Joan Collins wearing this as she throws around a baseball in the snow. "Here Krystal-CATCH you bitch!" Anyway, I adore the jacket big sequin trimmed shoulders and all.

Santa brought our Cubs fan some new attire.
He also brought him a peanut allergy challenge that was negative, which was the best gift of all. So no peanut allergy at all, and we need to go back and do the almond one, but then he's clear. We'll never know for certain what he reacted to in the tahini all those years ago, but it wasn't sesame or peanut (mould? Pesticide? ). The whole thing has been fascinating-how you can have a positive skin test and still not be allergic. It wasn't easy seeing him sit there eating peanut butter, even in a hospital setting, but it is done. It took about 3 hours as they only give a small bit at a time and then check your vitals every 20 minutes. So anyway, I agreed on a trip to Chicago this Spring so he can go to a baseball game. There aren't many reasons I'd go back to Chicago, but for my Cubs fan, I'll do it.
Still went nut-free on the Christmas cake though. The icing is nothing but butter and icing sugar with a bit of food colour. I was able to roll it out like fondant. It tastes better than fondant, and is less work.
 There was limpa bread (shown before baking)
And fish paella,
and leftover fish in pies. My favourite thing this year was the Christmas cabbage...
So bright in dreary winter.
 Danny has a new tea mug with a surprise...
Isn't that cute? Mr. ETB bought it for him. My gifts were on the hilarious side. A couple perfume bottles, which were normal enough, but then he bought me a Guerlain compact with pressed powder...for dark complexions. It is about time Guerlain started offering a more inclusive range, but as someone that often finds ivory shades too dark, I obviously don't need the darkest shade they make! If you looked up, "Pasty-faced white lady or, deathly white pallor" in the dictionary you'd find my picture😀. Ah well, the compact is nice. I really am pleased Guerlain is doing better with a range of skin tones-that always bugged me that they didn't.

I bought Mr. ETB a beautifully carved spurtle. It bothered me that he eats porridge every single day, and didn't own a spurtle. So that's remedied.
I wasn't kidding about the cold. Today we had-9 F. and this weekend they are expecting -17 F. I don't know what that is Celsius...about -21? Anyway, it sounds like a horrible way to spend New Year's Eve so thank goodness I'm too old to bother going out! We'll probably have a mini-Hogmany bash because I need an excuse to bake a black bun and drink too much. If it ever warms up I might wash my hair and do some proper photos but until then, I'm going to take advantage of everyone looking like crap in this cold.
Play ball!


  1. Woohoo! What a Merry Xmas that was! And a spurtle too?
    I inherited an unused Guerlain compact full of their Terracotta bronzer in the deepest shade ( a gorgeous warm dark chocolate with gold shimmer) from a UN friend from Zambia- I gave it to my olive-complected niece in Kashmir who uses it as contour & eyeshadow base.
    January is the coldest month in Nepal but our valley stays at 70-75F and only dips to about 40F at night.
    You look like Kenny from Southpark in that orange hoody with the muffler pulled up over your face.

  2. Spurtle? Mini-Hogmany bash? Please enlighten me! I'm all in favor of learning about any celebrations for New Year's Eve that do not require cooking a cabbage (although I do like sweet-and-sour red cabbage with a nice pork roast).

    Great news about Danny! Hope this means he can now eat my favorite vegetarian dish: sweet potatoes with cashews, a little honey, a lot of butter...

  3. @Bibi
    They killed Kenny! The bastards!

    The short version is you clean the house for the new year and there's all these silly superstitions about predicting your future luck by the first visitor to the house. Apparently a red headed woman is bad luck, but obviously I think that's rubbish. Redheads are awesome!Black bun is like a fruit bread wrapped in another bread-a bit of work but impressive.

    A spurtle is a stick for stirring porridge. Danny is learning all about his Scottish heritage. No cashews at home-I'm deathly allergic to them :)

  4. Gah! Snow. We've got it back again this week although nothing on yours, thank goodness.
    Love the silver skirt in the snow and delighted to hear of Danny's non-peanut allergy. He can see a game, so happy for him.

  5. Such great news that the peanut allergy challenge was negative! I'm loving your Dynasty jacket worn with the silver skirt and the snow boots. Our snow is long gone, of course, we're back to grey skies and rain. Whatever was Mr. ETB thinking with that compact? At least you got him a spurtle ... had no idea what it was, actually, but after googling I am relieved to find it is what it is ... xxx

  6. @Vix
    Thank you.
    Danny is already looking to buy tickets and book us a room in Chicago.

    Thank you-Danny's really excited.
    The spurtle looks as disturbing as it sounds!
    Husbands shouldn't buy makeup-why won't they stick to perfume? :)

  7. Emily from Etsy4:15 PM

    Congratulations to Danny! Now, when you take him to baseball games, you can "buy [him] some peanuts and Crackerjack," as the traditional song says. : )

    Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!!!!!

  8. you got your snow right in time! but the temps seem very sporty even to me!
    you look fab in your dynasty jacket and shiny skirt - and very cute in your warm homewear. your baking and cooking looks delicious!!
    and hooray for more good news on allergy front - i wish danny lots of fun at the baseball game!
    ***happy new year**** if we are not reading again this year....

  9. No-one did shoulders like Dynasty did shoulders. Alexis would've packed a few stones into her snowballs, I bet.

    I'm glad you all had a great Christmas - and now Danny can eat Burmese food, woohoo!

  10. As much as I dislike the effects of snow it must have been lovely to have it for Christmas. We've had a little bit but it was washed away by the rain and it has been very cold...

    Love the outfit; the skirt - is it lame (lahmay) darling?

    The food looks delicious. So pleased for Danny that it's not a peanut allergy. Peanuts seem to be present in everything! I love his Cubs paraphenalia and he must be so excited by the trip to Chicago.

    Have a fabulous New Year - we're in too and probably child minding...

  11. @Emily
    Thank you. We are all very happy. Best to you in the new year.

    Happy New Year to you as well!

    I need to get a better photo of the jacket-it is a work of art.

    The skirt is crushed velvet. It really catches the light better than I expected when I bought it in a dark store.
    Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.

  12. Oh I love your silver velvet skirt! All your cooking looks most yummy. I like your picture all wrapped up in hooded cashmere against the cold, and I love the owl mug. In my maternal grandmother's house when I was little there was a very plain white China mug that had a green painted frog sitting inside, we loved the way it's nose peeked out of one's milk or tea. I am a little shocked that you haven't included a picture of the spurtle. Happy New Year!
