
Monday, June 11, 2018

Eat The Blog Is Fourteen

Let's Party!

Man, I cooked some questionable things over those fourteen years, Worse, I had the arrogance to post photos and recipes. I'm pleased to report both my cooking and writing have improved over the years but I'd like to issue a blanket apology for all those horrible vegetable things in timbales. I feel like I should put a warning on the first ten years of the blog. 
Why?! Just serve the bloody cous cous.
Top of the list of Things You Shouldn't Do With Jell-O. 
The runner-up.
Bastille Day cookies.
Cake to celebrate the start of hurricane season.
Coronation Tofu
I have no idea what this is. I suspect I stuffed mini vegetables with something because...I have no fucking clue. Sorry.
Sometimes I wish I took drugs because at least it would be some sort of explanation. 
Things you shouldn't do to gingerbread.
Yay, more vegetable timbales! I think that was carrot. Thank God I have a kid that will eat anything.
Another timbale with a side of chickpeas and filled mushroom caps? Maybe? Some sort of green clorophyl sludge extracted from parsley? 
No one starved, but if you ask them, the boys might argue it would have been preferable.
These days, I cook less and the blog has been more a way to share my vintage clothing collection. Come for the timbales...stay for the polyester!
So fourteen years. It has been more fun than home trepanation after a few cocktails (Joking. Please don't do that). For those of you that have been along since the begining, thank you and I more timbales.
I'll drink to that.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Goody. Thank you so much for your blog - I love it. Wonderful pictures combined with witty pithy dialogue equals a joyous read!

  2. Happy 14th to your wonderful blog!
    The photo of little Danny in a bathrobe tooting what looks like a paper towel tube is priceless!
    Thank you for sharing your unique wily witticisms, culinary creations, perfume editorials, and vintage fashion finds!

  3. ****confetti***champagne****fireworks******
    happy anniversary!!!
    although i missed most of your incredibles cakes, cookies and veggies in timbales - i adore your blog!!
    "weitermachen!" ;-D
    p.s.: have that 4711 wipes - good stuff. can be used if the deodorant gives up. lots of alc in it to desinfect too. and pretty packaging :-)

  4. Fourteen years, you were only a child when you started then??!! Sod cooking I say, it is all about anything we collect or want to share worldwide, and most times that is a bloody good laugh. SO THANKS!!!!

  5. Happy Fourteenth to you!!!
    I'm delighted that Eat The Blog has progressed into vintage clothing and your fabulous sense of humour. Some of those culinary creations scare the shit out of me! xxx

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Congratulations! Hard to believe that I didn't realize you cooked until I started reading the old posts after the Cubs won and you were so excited! JanF

  7. Happy fourteenth anniversary! I'm so glad I discovered your blog. If I remember correctly, it was through Vix, who linked to one of your posts, which was about wearing nightwear as daywear. That kind of set the tone! You've made me laugh out loud so many times, through your wonderful sense of humour and superb writing. Love that first photo of Danny (I wonder how he feels about you sharing it on the blog!) and some of your culinary creations are quite hilarious! Long may you continue to blog! xxx

  8. Happy Anniversary for your fabulous blog. xx

  9. "Come for the timbales, stay for the polyester," is the thought for the day. A joyous 14th anniversary celebration on the felicitous occasion shall what "special cake" creation would be appropriate?

  10. Happy Anniversary! You fon’t look a day over twelve. I’m so happy to have discovered Eat the Blog and its author, who is truly my sister from another mister.

  11. Congratulations! I'm so glad I found your blog; it's a real pleasure to read and you always make me laugh. Your food pictures were hilarious. The one with the stuffed vegetables I thought had an actual fish on it!

    I loved you in your blue evening dress - so glamorous!

    Wasn't Danny a sweetie when he was little? Not that he isn't still a sweetie...

    Happy blogoversary!

  12. @Alli
    Thank you so much! I'm happy to know you enjoy it. Thank you for reading.

    Thank you!
    That was my "Oh shit, it is NYE and I don't have noisemakers" improv. If you punch a hole in the tube it will vibrate when you blow through against the wax paper. There, I fixed it ;)

    Thank you! Be glad you missed most of the cooking. I had to order the wipes from the UK but it was free shipping. Not good for the carbon footprint of course.

    Thank you!
    I'm old-and the last few years made me *really* old, but I couldn't ask for a better group of people to grow old with.

    Thank you!
    Yeah, most of the cooking is vegetarian, but you still wouldn't want to eat it.

    Thank you!
    I had to learn how to cook living on a farm so far from town, and I did learn...but the learning curve was strong:)

    Thank you!
    I asked Danny if I could use his photos because now that he's 13 I thought he might be sensitive about it. Nope-he's totally cool with it. That robe was one of the few baby items we kept (as we weren't having more children) because he was always so adorable in it.

    @Miss Magpie
    Thank you, fellow handbag and brooch collector!

    Thank you! I bought Danny his first box of Pop Tarts (strawberry) so maybe we can stick a birthday candle in one.

    Thank you!
    Seriously, I am so glad you found me, Sis.

    Thank you. He's still a sweetie but a much bigger one. Puberty hit and he's now several inches taller than I.

  13. Happy blogiversary! Your son has gotten so big - seeing old pics of him really shows the difference. And many crazy old recipes that make you wonder what people were thinking (or drinking).
    Stay cool!

  14. Happy blogoversary! And wasn't tiny Danny such a cutie?

    I am intrigued by the strange jello thingy. It looks... colourful.

  15. Hi Goody,
    it’s been a while - I lost all my bookmarks on my i-pad and havent blogged or kept up with others for a while but you came to mind yesterday so I looked you up and found you celebrating 14 years of ETB. You have more staying power than me. . .
    Lovely to see you’re all okay and the photos made me laugh out loud - what were you thinking??
    Cute photos of Danny - but no curls?
    Happy Blog Anniversary xx
