
Thursday, August 30, 2018

2018 Nebraska State Fair and Giveaway

Danny Brought home two Best of Division rosettes in addition to the many ribbons for baking and canning. I just knew that mint jelly would be blue ribbon-it was incredible. We are so very proud of him just for entering each year, and doing all the very hard work. Congratulations, kid!
Not the greatest photo, but you get the idea.

I recycled last year's hat adding several butterfly brooches to the band. The skirt has a fair theme, but don't look *too* close as it says, "Atlantic City!"
 There were prize winning quilts...
My phone camera does not do this beauty justice.
The shooting gallery.  I didn't get any photos in the archery section. Let's just say Danny's skills aren't in aiming accurately at things. That's OK. He isn't keen to go hunting anyway. 
Funnel cake...
...robots on scooters? I feel like I ought to know who it is, but don't. 
All in all it was a great fair, and I'm already looking forward to next year. As always, I have a giveaway with a copy of the State Fair cookbook featuring all of last year's winning entries. That was the year Danny swept both divisions so basically, it is Danny's cookbook. I also purchased some silly Nebraska State Fair socks, and a fridge magnet. Contest is open world-wide, but if you have won before, I'm going to exclude you in a spirit of er..."fairness". Leave a comment by 10 September, and I'll draw a random winner from my fancy state fair hat. Good luck. I'll be back in my next post with a visit to a minor league ballpark, and the Nebraska Baseball Museum. See you later. 


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I am so glad that Danny did well but not one bit surprised! He put a lot of effort into preparing for that Fair. I can imagine that his special mint jelly would be superb on slow roasted lamb, pure bliss!
    Did you get some fun comments on your outfit? JanF

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Congratulations to Danny on his success, I am not one bit surprised because he put a lot of effort into preparing for the Fair. I can imagine that his special mint jelly would be superb on slow roasted lamb, pure bliss!
    Did you get any fun comments on your outfit? JanF

  3. Once again, congratulations are due to Danny! Isn't he amazing? I don't know many kids his age who would do what he does. Love your State Fair outfit: the skirt is fabulous! xxx

  4. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Post writing is also a fun, if you be acquainted with after that
    you can write or else it is complicated to write.

  5. Oooh, I would love to be in with a shot at winning Danny's cookbook.

    That quilt is amazing. Quilting really is an American artform - I know other countries do it too, but you chaps really do it better than anyone. I'm thinking of turning the scraps from my dressmaking into quilts.

  6. I, too, had a happy feeling about that mint jelly! Well done, Danny!
    This will look well on his college applications and job resumes, y'know -- in my part of the world his work ethic would be appreciated.

    Love that brilliant lip color with The State Fair hat, Goody. The butterflies are a pretty addition to the notions (but a tomato caterpillar would have been more "you").

  7. So much fabulousness in one post: Danny’s triumph, your outfit, tractors, a quilt with the elusive blue poppy. Fairs are very near and dear to my heart. The Kenosha County Fair is held in the town where I grew up and my family runs various Fair operations (my sister and I have each worked several summers in the Fair office). I’ve got Sno-Cones in my blood.

  8. Congratulations, Danny!
    Love your fair outfit. You look so fun and festive.
    I don't know who that big robot is...I think I've lost some geek points.
    Be safe in the storms this weekend! I've been watching the weather channel - we're both in for some excitement.

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Wow! Congratulations to Danny. I recently found your blog and I absolutely love it.

    You are so blessed with many talents.

    I look forward to reading more.

  10. Emily from Etsy12:41 PM

    Congratulations to Danny, the Renaissance man of Nebraska! He never ceases to amaze.

    The Ferris wheel on your skirt caught my eye immediately. I can only imagine how many smiles it brought to the faces of the other fairgoers.

    You say your camera didn't do the quilt justice, but I could make out those curlicues on the yellow background and I couldn't help but admire how graceful they were.

  11. @Jan
    Danny would love a leg of lamb! I should have him make one ;)

    he's a pretty amazing kid-we're proud of him.

    Quilting is indeed a great way to use up fabric scraps. Start small with a cushon cover though, until you get the feel for it.

    If he put that on a resume here he'd get hired AND be expected to bring treats to the office ;)
    I have more mint in the garden going crazy-maybe I should put the kid back to work?!

    I've been to that fair! We probably crossed paths in the 70's.

    I'm sitting here listening to the weather radio going off. There's 80 mph straight-line winds tearing through Lincoln where they're supposed to be playing a football game tonight. Glad I'm not there. You take care as it is headed your way overnight.

    Thank you, and welcome!

    The skirt was very popular-I put up a television clip tonight from the local news. Gah, I look like such a crazy old lady, I should have given them a fake name!

  12. Congratulations to Danny and to you for you fab outfit!

    Those quilts were gorgeous...

  13. Well done, Danny! You must be incredibly proud of his talents.
    You should have won a prize for best outfit, you looked amazing. xxx
