
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cinder Toffee

For what was probably the first time in at least thirty years, I wanted a Crunchie bar. Problem one: I live in rural Nebraska. Problem two: Even if I drove 60 miles into Omaha to buy one at the World market, odds are pretty good the candy bar will be disappointing. I couldn't imagine any circumstances where I'd drive to Omaha for a candy bar-so I went Googling.

I'd noticed THIS blog before, and figured the recipe was just about as much of a challenge as I was up for today-three ingredients (well, five if you count the chocolate and butter coating).

"I can do that." I thought to myself.

Yes, but the first try went horribly wrong (see photo). By the second batch I'd figured out that you must not stir the syrup once it has dissolved the sugar and furthermore, once it is tipped out of the pot, do not touch it, spread it, or so much as breathe in its presence, or it will deflate immediately. The subsequent batches went much better.

Once it was cooled, I melted 1 tablespoon of butter and two ounces of shaved, semi sweet chocolate in a pan and then dipped the cinder toffee into it.


  1. I do hope L. gets home from work soon, as I've already put a serious dent into the dish of these and there may not be any left!

    ...and here I was bragging about not gaining any weight over the holidays!

    Gosh, these are really good.

  2. Good to see the recipe eventually worked for you.
