
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Guess This Makes It A Theme

Making parfaits twice in a week seems to meet the qualification of establishing a theme.

In the process of arranging my pantry I discovered a small box of Junket. I don't know why/when I bought it, and I'm pretty sure I've never made it before. Probably won't make it again.

I can't say if I'm more put off by the bright colour or the overpowering artificial strawberry fragrance. Either way, I'm guessing that it is probably not destined to become a staple item in our house.

As you can see from the photograph, my parfait layering skills have not improved much since last weekend. I admire food stylists-but I wouldn't want to be one.

I wonder how long it will take for the red staining to cook out of my good enamel pot.


  1. Junket? What in the World? Why would one buy something called Junket? Did it taste good? What was the Dannymeter?

  2. Junket is Danish, so it probably means something like,
    "Stuff we sell to stupid Americans."

    The original Junket is a rennet pudding, sort of like Bird's custard. This is their super-fancy strawberry Danish Dessert. We're still waiting for this to fully chill-I'll have a taste test results later ;)

    The box also has recipes for turning it into pie filling by mixing it with cream cheese. I passed that idea up rather quickly.

  3. Update:

    It was good. Not terribly sweet (no corn syrup in the mix) kind of like a cross between Jell-O and pudding (soft creamy Jell-O).

    Danny ate it, though with less gusto than the chocolate parfaits.

    I just can't get past that fake strawberry smell...and of course the colour. We did decide that "Junket" is an awful name and are calling it "Beowulf Berry Dessert" because it sounds tougher.
