
Friday, January 04, 2008

Fried Liver Sticks

Remember that lovely little cooking booklet about 250 ways to prepare meat that had the brain rissoles recipe (oh, and I just had my first Google hit from someone searching for a recipe for brain rissoles-lovely)? I did manage to find a recipe I'd like to try which is why I now have five slabs of beef liver in my freezer. How does French Fried Liver Sticks sound to you? And no, I'm not pregnant.

I can actually see where battering and frying liver might be really good. They suggest it as an appetiser, presumably because it would be kind of heavy for a main course. I suppose I have to cook favas just so I can title the post, "I ate the liver with a side of fava beans." Maybe I need to have a weekly organ meat feature for 2008. Or fried food. I saw a recipe recently for an egg salad sandwich that was battered and fried like a Frenchie. I guess next to that the fried liver sticks sound better, eh?

I'm tempted to delay making these until my husband has another department "food day" at work. It would be a nice change from the BBQ Crock pot Little Smokies and Tater-Tot Casserole. At the very least it would earn me the cool moniker, "The Liver Lady."

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