
Friday, January 04, 2008

Review-The Kitchen Collection Gretna, Nebraska

Ever love and loathe a place equally? That rather accurately describes my experience with The Kitchen Collection store in Gretna, Nebraska. I must say however, that I meet the loveliest people shopping there. Some of the pleasantest and most interesting conversations I've had with complete strangers have been in the aisles of The Kitchen Collection, so if for no other reason, I continue shopping there because the experience is usually so nice.

The help? Dumb as stumps. Really, they are. Sweet, eager to be helpful but duuuumb. Or as my son would say-dullards. As in, "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll grow up to be a dullard and have to move to Kansas." Well, my husband taught him that last part, but you get the idea.*

It's a strange place. Like most outlet/clearance stores the stock changes pretty routinely though they do regularly stock gadgets and Lodge cast iron cookware. Most days, you can count on a decent selection of not-too-pricey cake pans, Pyrex, and coffee makers. Last trip they actually had a percolator. Danny wanted me to buy it because the mother bunny in My World has a percolator of coffee on her stove and he seems to think I'm being deprived my full range of mummy tools by the absence of a pot to boil my coffee. I fully expect to receive a percolator for Mother's day.

Last trip, the place was filled with post-Christmas sales-I know what you're thinking but it wasn't as great as it sounds. Sure, the hard plastic popcorn cups that look like old red and white boxes from the cinema are cute-but you know you'll never actually use them. Many, many fondue pots (it was like going to a bridal shower in the 70's where everything was wall-to-wall fondue pots and domed cheese boards. Seriously, I think my sister got something like eight domed cheeseboards at one shower), electric kettles, and snow cone makers later I settled on purchasing a few small items for Danny's play kitchen figuring that at least the plastic is food grade and probably contains less lead-based paint than many of the kitchen toys available. He really enjoyed the small whisk and egg separator, which cost all of a buck. A tiny rolling pin (great for Play Doh), a couple cookie cutters, and we were in business.

My largest complaint is the way the store is organised, or rather not organised. You can find pitchers in three different places around the store. Spatulas are everywhere. I prefer to compare things side-by-side, and it does make it difficult to know what is available when it isn't immediately obvious that egg separators will be squeezed in next to a few spice grinders. The place feels cluttered and haphazard, which would be fine in a restaurant supply warehouse type place, but feels somewhat lazy in a store for the general public.

Prices are competitive, though some items (like Pyrex) are more expensive than Shop Ko. In fact, for general use glassware, ceramic ramekins, and spatulas, Shop Ko is probably a better bet.

I save major purchases for restaurant supply places because I know fifteen years later my large jelly roll pans will still be withstanding 500 degree heat and all the battering I put them through. Still, if you want a few cookie cutters (.59 cents) or heaven forbid, a percolator, the store is an interesting enough place to kill an hour or so.

The website appears to be well-organised and might be a better alternative than in-store shopping.

*It all started with Danny being contrary. My husband drew a couple of faces, one smiling, the other whining and named them, "Danny Do-Right" and "Kansas Keith." Thus began the threats of "eat your vegetables or you'll have to move to Kansas with the dullard children** that don't eat spinach." Personally, I've always enjoyed my trips to the fine state of Kansas and have even penned new lyrics to an old song reflecting the fact:

The Kansan and Nebraskan Should Be Friends (to the tune of The Farmer and the Cowman Should Be Friends)

Oh the Kansan and Nebraskan should be friends
Oh the Kansan and Nebraskan should be friends
One state will steal your water
The other marry your underage daughter
Oh the Kansan and Nebraskan should be friends!

Midwest folks should stick together
Midwest folks should all be pals
Kansans dance with Nebraskan (underage) daughters
Nebraskans...don't dance because they might fall, crack their noggins and become dullards.

-just remember to eat your vegetables, or you'll end up a dullard and have to work at The Kitchen Collection in Gretna.

**Oh for heaven's sake, yes I'm kidding. I really shouldn't have to tell you that.

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