
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Case of the Yucks

 I noticed this sign first on Danny's door...
 Well gosh, he has been poorly...
 I had no idea the tissues littering the floor had risen to the level of biohazard though. That sounds serious...
 "Extremely infectious."
 Wow, so bad I'm warned, "Don't touch sign"...
 And here I was just thinking it was bronchitis and a sinus infection.
Oh, the misery! The misery!

I dragged him off to the doctor who wasn't terribly reassuring, basically telling me to expect an asthma attack as the coughing will irritate his lungs. Great. I paid my $40.00 co-pay to have him tell me not to worry. Now I'm forty bucks poorer, and more worried.

He's been like this since Sunday evening, so eventually it has to get better. Poor kid is starting to go stir-crazy stuck at home. I think he was excited to go to the doctor's office just to get out of the house, and have a change of scenery.

I do like his signs though.


  1. Those are excellent signs!!! Hope he feels better.

  2. The signs are great, but oh poor Danny! Hope he feels better soon, that doesn't sound like fun... xxx

  3. Good Infection Control process going on here, great signs. Hope you feel better soon Danny.

  4. Poor Danny, hope he gets well very soon. So love his signs, and I remember tissue mountains when my lads were younger. Doctors and there 'don't worry', you are his mother, of course you will worry. $40 for some useless advise!
