
Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Third Would be a Charm

Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Danny appreciates it. He's still miserable, but I guess that's how you build immunity for later in life.
Sunday, on a rare shopping alone trip to Thrift World, I found my second Chessa Davis skirt. The label was missing, but the charms bearing her signature and pentagram were intact (rare for these skirts)and one look at the underskirt left little doubt what I had.
 Yep, that's a Chessa Davis skirt.
 What I thought was a little sad, speaking with the man who works at the thrift store is how many people stopped to look at the skirt, pick it up, and ultimately put it back. I mean, six dollars isn't exactly a fortune. I suspect it has more to do with feeling uncomfortable wearing something this loud (when I wore the yellow Chessa Davis skirt I was asked what my, "costume" was) but seriously-if you like it enough to pick it up, and hold it a bit, you should buy it. Who give's a rat's ass if people think you're wearing a costume? I'm glad I don't (care).

Obviously, I'm going back there this weekend to look for a third skirt. My guess is someone donated their collection (or they croaked and someone donated their collection being more likely) and there may be yet another skirt waiting to hit the rack. Obviously, I'm the only person in Omaha willing to wear these now that the original owner has gone to that big Grateful Dead concert in the sky, so maybe there will be a velvet version waiting with my name on it (or "freak" which is short for Goody anyway).
And in other news, I finished canning the blueberries last night ending with spiced blueberry jam.

I bought the over-priced blue lids and bands because-blueberry jam, right? I do have blue jars as well, but I thought that would be overkill, and I wasn't certain it would be OK to enter in the fair (they're picky about stuff like that). I also bought some green tinted jars with matching lids and bands that I'll make relish in later in the season.
This is my, "Tower of flour". The bottom tub holds bags of rye, buckwheat, whole wheat, etc. The middle container with the red top is strong flour, next is plain, and the top is cornmeal. The fridge and freezer are stocked with starters, and less-used flours like semolina. Mine is a working kitchen, no question, and yes those are my aprons hanging on the wall.

Finally, I saw this and had to share because it made me laugh until it hurt:
Strangely enough, Danny didn't laugh.


  1. Is that a book? How utterly fabulous and look at the other title. Good find on the skirt and I love your Big grateful dead concert in the sky. Hopefully the velvet version you desire will turn up. Glad wee man is perking up.

  2. Sadly, I don't think it is a real book. I wish it were.

  3. Somebody should totally write that book. I've actually ended friendships because their kids were such assholes I couldn't stand to be around it.

  4. Glad Danny is feeling better. I really like your skirt, I'm sure you will enjoy wearing such a lovely thing. Blue lids for blueberry jam are good, sometimes you must have to pay over the odds to get the effect you want.
