
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bye, Bye, Birdies

I went with to watch the Purple Martins roosting (from a distance) and made it out of there without being pooped on.
I had to laugh at all the people walking down the street, eyes (and thumbs) glued to their phones oblivious to what was taking place overhead.

So that was fun. The geese will be coming through next. But this bird is staying right here, in Omaha.
Note to self-go outside in the sunlight before deciding if the hem should be let down. It looked less obvious in person. This is one of the bargain dresses from the Lincoln Goodwill. There's a faux tweed pattern in the polyester skirt which is just right for our changing weather. In a month or so, I'll switch to wearing this dress with boots, but for today a pair of suede shoes and a matching belt seemed like a good transitional style. Mentally, I'm done with summer, but Mother Nature has other ideas.
 I rarely carry shoulder bags as I have a messed-up neck, but if I make a point of keeping it light I can sometimes use one for a short length of time. I don't know how people carry those massive bags with everything they own in it.
This Giovanni brooch was a bargain at $1.99, and was so shiny I doubt it was ever worn. For costume, it is very well made-and heavy! Giovanni is best known for large rose brooches (I have a few) but I liked the autumnal feel of the acorns on this one. Again, it feels a bit early for my brooches shaped like leaves, or bundles of wheat, but the acorns feel more appropriate for late August when only a few leaves have started to change colour. Look closely, and you can see my photographer reflected it the acorns.
 Speaking of seasonal identity issues-who makes a pair of suede shoes with patent leather heels? Patent is for spring, and suede for autumn-or it used to be. Those old rules are hard to break, and I admit feeling uneasy wearing these shoes as they never seem quite appropriate. Eventually, I cave and wear them because they're so comfortable due to some sort of memory-foam in the insoles.

The tights are strange too. Not grey, not beige they go with everything from brown to black. I have no idea why, and I could never find another pair like them. At first glance it seems like such an impractical colour-until you need it.

Outfit Particulars:
Late 70's/early 80's polyester dress-Goodwill
Shoes-K Mart
80's Belt-Hand-Me-Ups
Giovanni brooch (50's/60's) Et Cetera Thrift Store-Seward, NE
50's Niello clip earrings-Thrift World
70's Vinyl handbag-Thrift World (.98 cents!)
Lippy-Estee Lauder Maplesugar
Fragrance-Jovan Woman

We settled on an audiobook  about president Eisenhower to listen to as we drive to Kansas for a visit to the Presidential library. Knowing that can get dull quickly, we also found a Star Wars radio play for Danny to listen to. So I'm not the meanest mother in the

Something about this outfit makes me want a set of hot rollers. I'll wait a day and see if the mood passes before splashing out on a set (they're expensive!). I'm off to fix that hem now. Happy Mid-Week!


  1. I think I'm going to buy myself a set of hot rollers too. For the first time in years I have hair past my shoulders. I'm looking at the T3 set.
    My sons LOVE Dr Who - even the old '60's episodes with the cheeseball special effects. BBC used to have downloads for free- we have them all on dvd.

  2. @Bibi
    I seem to remember some sort of setting lotion you sprayed on before using the hot rollers-wonder if they still make it? I had a set of those bendy hot sticks, and I hated them. Hopefully the newer hot rollers are less damaging to your hair.

  3. I had never heard the 'patent for spring' thing - maybe the shoes are for people who can't afford both, or don't have the space.

  4. @Mim
    I think that rule came about as people wouldn't want to ruin patent in the snow. I do remember my sister announcing years ago that it was silly and wearing her shoes with a wool kilt much to the horror of our mother.

    Suede still tends to get put away by spring (where I live anyway-we're a good forty years behind the times).

  5. Han you be over Summer? I long for it's return so flick it on down to us would you!!!
