
Tuesday, August 25, 2015


The label in my polyester maxi-Puritan Forever Young. And me without Pilgrim Buckles on my shoes! I admit to having dozed off frequently during American History class, but even the heretics wouldn't have been wearing anything this bright. Still, this dress will now be known as, Anne Hutchinson, take that John Winthrop!
Come for the clothes, stay for the history lesson.

I found this synthetic beauty in the crappiest Goodwill I've ever seen in York, Nebraska. I nearly left it when the hapless girl working there couldn't figure out how to work the register ( I mean, you're working at Goodwill-it isn't like life is being great to you, ya know? I wasn't about to make it worse for her). Instead, I went down the street to find an ATM and paid cash instead-it wasn't much, and worth the effort.

Our mini-road trip went great. Here's Danny dropping off his entries in Grand Island for the fair.
Thanks to everyone for your well wishes-it means a great deal to Danny having so much encouragement. It means a lot to his mama too-you guys are the best!
By the weekend those empty cases will be filled with exhibits and ribbons. But no fair could run as well as they do without the volunteers that give so much of their time each year...
They thought I was kidding when I asked to take a photo, but were then happy to oblige when they knew I was serious. Thank you fair volunteers, you rock!
We couldn't resist posing for some pictures in the empty open-class exhibition hall.
Not that we would dream of being silly or anything.

Outfit Particulars:
Danny-Shirt and shorts both K Mart
Me-Carole Little Ultrasuede skirt-Goodwill
Peasant blouse-Goodwill
Earrings-K Mart
Fragrance-Courreges in Blue

After leaving the fair, we stopped at both Goodwills in Grand Island, and hit the vintage perfume motherlode. Shulton Friendship Garden, Blanchard Plaid, My favourite Avon ever-Charisma (still fresh!), A very old bottle of Windsong in a green crown shaped bottle, and something else that's escaping my mind at the moment. Anyway, I was thrilled to get my hands on them so cheaply. We did a few more thrift stores in Lincoln before heading back home. It was a long ride (next week will be worse, but we'll take more breaks) but the last stop at the Salvation Army in Lincoln was astounding. I came home with a whopping fifteen dresses, and spent about $25.00. I've been to that store, and it is always worth a stop, but I've never experienced anything like that. They had to belong to the same person-same size, similar style/era. I'll be wearing them in future posts.
 "Oh, that sounds lovely. Wish I had a new dress, it gets cold sitting here without clothes."
 "Aw shut up, will you? You're plaster!"
"Hey, so what if he's plaster?! Let 'em drink if' he wants to. What sort of Puritan are you that doesn't like a wee nip now and then?"

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage maxi dress-Goodwill
Vintage souvenir shopper/tote-Goodwill
Bangles-all over
Enamel 60's brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Lippy-Revlon Snowy Peach

We stopped by Mullhalls garden centre today for a bit of a nature walk around the grounds. We may be, "adopting" a few cocoons they have in a mesh cage with poles that need someone to care for them. I'm flattered that they feel we'd be good caregivers. As we were leaving an employee had lifted a large swallowtail butterfly from a spider's nest. It was dead, but only very recently so, and she asked Danny if he'd like to have it. He cradled it carefully on the ride home, and was just barely able to mount it (they stiffen badly if not put in a kill-jar). I wonder if Darwin's mother had a house full of mounted insects and various bugs captured in jars? Oh well, better a naturalist than a naturist, as I always say! I'm sure the Naked Rambler's mum has it worse.
Since I'm already dressed in my Puritan garb, I think I'll go out. Who's up for a witch burning? No? Fine, let's just stay in and watch, Bewitched. 


  1. Every time I come here I am amazed as you have so much going on! I am not a fan of history but I am a fan of fashion history! LOL! Love that fun purse that you picked up and I can't believe up 15 dresses for $25 at one of the goodwill stores! I can't wait to see them all! How awesome for Danny dropping off his entries for the fair! He is so sweet! Looks like it will be an awesome fair! You are right none of it would be possible without the amazing volunteers! How cool would it be to adopt those cocoons! Really what a cool opportunity!


  2. The shape and texture of the tote bag is perfect! for the floral maxi. Isn't it fun when an item picked up for its uniqueness becomes actually useful?

    Your pix of the volunteers at the fair revives memories of the sweet ladies who always greeted us 4-H girls with words of encouragement. Yes, and the grimly smiling old gentlemen in the poultry-rabbit building who carried "BITES" cards to be posted as needed.

    Are those Monarch cocoons you're adopting? Start-of-school used to signal time to collect milkweed stalks for Miz Lawson's first-grade's Nature Corner. She's been retired for several years, yet one can't help still looking for especially nice stalks close to the road...

  3. @Rebecca
    Fashion history is important too ;)

    @Beth Waltz
    I'm not sure what sort of cocoons they are (I couldn't tell by looking) but the milkweed is a bit of a conflict here. It is considered a noxious weed, so technically you're supposed to get rid of it...but the monarchs need it, so you're helping the conservationists to keep it on your land. There have been some heated arguments between neighbours over the presence of it in yards because it spreads so easily. I don't have any growing here, so it is a non issue for us, but can get pretty ugly seeing people get so upset over it.

  4. I can't wait to see what your 15 dresses are like - that's one amazing haul.

  5. @Mim
    There's two of them in the next posts-the brown/beige one and the peach maxi. I only managed to ruin one of them in the laundry (I'm mad with myself, but the blow was softened by the ones that survived).
