
Sunday, January 10, 2016


I've looked at clothes from both sides now, from win and lose and still somehow, it's twisted stockings I recall, I really can't wear seams, at all...

With apologies to Joni Mitchell. OK, and Judy Collins if you prefer that version. Hey, now that the first ten days of January are out of the way, how is everyone doing?

We had our first serious cold weather of the year. It was -6 F when I woke this morning. With the wind it is registering -20 F. which is awful. Sure, we get used to it as much as is possible, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant. We had such a mild December I suppose we just imagined it would last forever, despite knowing otherwise. 

When the weather turns brutal, I turn to the wool ski sweater my mother bought on her honeymoon in Canada in 1956. This sucker is warm. It never quite fit my mum right as she was quite tall, so she gave it to me in the early 80's. It never quite fit me right either (and I am quite short) but I'm less fussy about how a ski sweater fits, and have happily worn it on the coldest of days. I really don't require a coat with it, which is nice because I hate driving in a coat. As soon as the car is warmed, I have to struggle out of it at a traffic light anyway, so a heavy sweater is better suited to my life. It can be a bit warm indoors though, so wearing something decent beneath it is crucial. 
We had some excitement last evening outside our house. Around 11:00 PM the police came and blocked-off the street with three squad cars, and they were walking about in the dark with flashlights and some sort of camera on a tripod marking out a crime scene. That went on for a good hour. As there was nothing in today's news I can't be sure what it was all about, but the way they were walking and looking on the ground, I got the sense they were looking for bullet casings. I didn't hear anything at all as I was wrapped-up in watching a detective show (I'm not kidding, I was!). Had it not been for all the flashing lights, I'd have been completely unaware of anything. Our neighbourhood is very quiet, so obviously it was a bit unnerving. I'm guessing it wasn't drugs because no cop in their right mind would be out in sub-zero weather scouring the street in the dark for dope someone threw from their window in a traffic stop. It had to be bullets. 

Outfit Particulars:
1950's woolen ski sweater, made in Canada-Mum's
Skirt-1990's, Sears.
Tights-K Mart
Snow Boots-Goodwill
Sled brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Hat-Fibre arts show
Polo neck-Gordman's
Fragrance-L'Air du Temps

 Outfit Particulars:
Grey jersey dress-Sears, about 6 years ago
Flower-Tiff and Tam
Vintage shell earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Tights-K Mart
Vintage Peacock's shoes-Goodwill
Bangles-all over
 Vintage Made in Japan straw and beads clutch bag-Salvation Army
Fragrance-Banana Republic Rosewood

We celebrated Mr. ETB's Birthday this weekend. He's now officially eligible for the "Senior Discount" at the local supermarket. That's 55 if you're wondering whether you're old enough to get 10% off your groceries in Nebraska. I didn't ruin the roast duck, and we spent a lovely, relaxing day at home (because we sure as shit weren't going out in -20 degree wind chills). Now the Birthdays are out of the way, and I don't need to bake another cake for 11 months! 

Maybe I'll just spend the rest of winter playing video games in the basement! And yes, this dinky little TV is our only television. We're pathetic, I know. 

Hey, you just made it through the first ten days of January. Give yourself a pat on the back. 



  1. Escapism is the answer. I'm rewatching the original Mapp & Lucia on YouTube for the joy of Nigel Hawthorne, Prunella Scales and Geraldine McEwan in a big-budget comedy of manners. Your dainty be-bowed court shoes would be so appropriate for a garden party a la Risoholme! Had I a grand basement level indoor pool, I'd have that Art Deco diorama of the Sussex beach installed as a round the room mural.

    Yes, I agree, the uniforms were looking for casings. The thugs use Russian-made silencers now, plus a snowy landscape muffles the *pop* of shots. Sounds like a drive-by.

    Meanwhile, we've 3" of the white stuff on top of 1" or more of the black stuff. I must be off before all the better ditches are taken.

  2. It is a brisk 47F this foggy morning at 3,500 ft in the central Himalayas. All flights are cancelled until noonish.
    That doesn't sound cold compared to -6F but when you're a California girl & there's no heat source (other than the cup of chai I'm holding) nor insulation of any kind in your drafty hovel, it's a bit nippy. Long undies, Adidas Climawarm leggings, boiled wool slippers, & a Patagonia parka are my fashion statement this early in the day.

    Snow boots? I don't see any snow boots, all I see are those divine, be-bowed Louis XIV pumps!

    I simply cannot abide tights of any kind after wearing support hose/compression undergarments to work as a pharmacist for 15 yrs.

    Happy B-Day Mr ETB! And may you enjoy many more Senior Discounts as I'm sure there won't be any of that Social Security that we all paid into left by the time we're ready to start drawing from it.

    Whom was shooting at whom & what for is what I want to know. Everyone's too poor in Nepal to afford bullets. We just throw rocks at each other. Slingshots are too high tech for us also (I'm not kidding.)

  3. You just know you will bake some sort of cake, in fact quite a few in the next 11 months!! Oh how I love your shoes, super adorable. I won't tell you how warm it has been here, but I will tell you it has been raining quite a bit. I always loved those ski jerseys when I was younger and even knitted myself one, and even used one of those circular knitting needle things!

  4. Goody you are so funny. Twisted seams. Tee hee. I think you look fantastic in your Mom's sweater. The colors are so 1950's. I just love it.

  5. Bullets? Argh. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I saw a gun. My mum's partner has at least one because he's a farmer, but it's a shotgun and properly locked away.

    How lovely to have your mum's honeymoon sweater! It's lasted well. And when it's snowy, who cares how it fits as long as it's WARM.

    Happy birthday to Mr ETB.

  6. This is our local fun at the moment:

    Oh, and I start my real, decent, non-admin job next week. The Symphony finally had an opening, and I am leaving the wack fundie radio station to go be Development Manager. Happy Freakin' New Year indeed!

  7. @Beth
    What worries me is this is such a quiet neighbourhood, and no one saw anything either. I could see someone getting drunk and shooting off a gun in their yard, but a drive-by out here would be really alarming.

    I guess if you know what you're doing a rock fight can be lethal. Ooops-I took the boots off before the photo!My mistake.

    Those curved needles are good for socks too, aren't they? I've seen people use four needles at a time, but the curved ones sound so much nicer. I can't knit worth s--t, so I'm impressed you managed a ski sweater.

    I'm too old to be screwing around with seams!

    The gun culture here is astonishing if you didn't grow up around it.

    Congratulations! I'm so incredibly happy for you. Here's to a wonderful 2016.
