
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

More Tuber Than Rose

We had another stupidly cold day today, but I just couldn't get in the mood to bundle-up. Instead, I made sure my feet and hands were warm, and moved quickly getting from my car to indoors. These are the winter boots I mentioned but neglected to show in the photographs last post. They're not terribly exciting, but they manage snow and ice nicely, and they're lined with fleece. Winter can be so long and dull you'll do anything for a bit of excitement.
Was it good for you? 
By this point in the winter I'm sick of all my perfume as well. It happens every year, so I went on a wee buying binge. OK, it wasn't that wee. Anyway, I must have been feeling adventurous because I bought all sorts of things I'd typically not be attracted to. Today, I'm wearing Frederic Malle Carnal Flower. I hate it! Oh god, I can feel it burning through my sinuses like acid. How...why... what the hell is wrong with people that insist this is some sort of magical perfume?!Sure, I'm not fanatical about tuberose, but I don't hate it either...but this...this is weaponised tuberose. *shudder*.  I haven't tried, The Night yet, but I have it sitting on my perfume tray waiting for me to work up the nerve. I sure as hell hope it is better than Carnal Flower. At least it doesn't have any tuberose in it.  Don't fret, I only purchased a decant of The Night-I'm not stupid enough to drop $800.00 on something without smelling it first. I'm not anti-niche (I'm madly in love with Lutens Ambre Sultan) but hell if I can get my head around Carnal Flower. There are better tuberose perfumes for much less money. I'm searching for a joke about "getting my tuberose tied" but I'm just not finding it tonight. 
Outfit Particulars:
Vintage (80's) Pendleton wool skirt (part of a suit) Goodwill
Day-glo top-K Mart
Enamel clamper bracelets-both Target about 10 years ago
Vintage clip earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Coat (part of an ensemble) Thrift store in Illinois about 20 years ago
Flower-Tiff and Tam
Vintage yellow gloves-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Frederic Malle Carnal Flower
Lippy-Revlon Snow Peach over lip-liner

Next time I go on a niche binge, I'm buying Lutens-at least I know I like Ambre Sultan. Do you "niche?" Have a favourite house to share? 


  1. I haven't been bowled over by any of Malle's creations. I am still in search of my perfect tuberose & wish to try P Kilar's TNT ("Tama n Tuberose") when I'm back in the US again. I do like Michael Kors' original Michael & his daftly named Very Hollywood for relatively inexpensive thrills. Lysol (known as 'Lizol' here on the Subcontinent) is now available in a tuberose 'floral' scent over here. So I mop the floors, clean the bathrooms, & even drizzle a bit in the washing machine whilst doing the laundry. It may foggy & cold here but darn, we smell like a summer evening ablazin' with tuberose.

    I don't like white florals with cinnamon, it doesn't work for me. A bit of camphor or eucalyptus in a white floral, yes, I like that.

    Snow boots + pom poms = SQUEEE!

    I had a Mario Buatta 'prince of chintz' bedding ensemble similar to that floral duster when I lived in San Francisco in the early 90's. Bought it at the Mission district Goodwill, said 'dry clean only but I washed it anyway & it turned out glorious! Probably some Nob Hill socialite was dumping her 80's pastel floral for something more drab & muted. I just know you love having someone compare your clothing to 80's bedding.

    Speaking of drab & my quest for the perfect champagne beige hair color I tried a new shade from the very scientific hair care co. 'Joico'. Labelled as 'beige blonde' & boasting of mauve undertones I had to try it. I now have very "nan" lavender gray hair, not unlike that sweater you were unhappy with the other day. Oh well, I'll just suffer with "nan" hair today then do what I always do with my hair color mishaps, sit with a mixture of 3 parts lemon juice + 1 part conditioner on my head for an hour to yank out all that blue drabber that my hair loves to sop up AGAIN.

  2. I remember Joico hair dye-I think I bought it at Sally's back when I was doing platinum in the early 2000's. My mother had the beige-blonde for a while that she achieved mixing Miss Clariol Nordic Blonde with Sunny Blonde. I can't make any promises because that was thirty years ago and they've probably changed the formulas a bit, but it did a good job on her grey and left a nice beige without a hint of red. She always mixed the ashy/cool shades with the brights even when she did light brown, and though it was counter-intuitive, it worked.

    Personally, I'd keep the lavender hair because...purple hair! Prell is good at lifting tint too, if you can get it. I keep thinking I want to colour my hair again, but after a dozen years I'mn just too damn lazy to bother.

    I LOVE having my clothes compared to 80's bedding. I had Green and white Laura Ashley floral sheets and a matching comforter. I think I still have the pillowcases. I'd wear a dress in that pattern.

  3. I quite liked Carnal Flower, though for tuberose I opt for Fracas. (I was given a decant of CF; found Fracas at an online discounter.)

    As far as niche goes, I own a couple of Lutens (A la Nuit, which is pretty much a jasmine bomb, so no good to you, and 5 O'Clock Au Gingembre, which is a beautiful, warm gingerbready scent) but it's not my favourite house. I'm currently itching to try some of the 4160 Tuesdays range as their 'Lady Rose Lion (Monkey Unicorn)' is supposed to smell exactly like a vintage chypre.

  4. Weil is the corner of the counter where I'd spend my winter fragrance budget, were I not convinced that there's better value in bottles of red wine. Of course, I'm a 4711/Tosca devotee in the summer months (unless we're counting eau de cat de-odorizer).

    Those winter boots are a marvel! I've a 60-year-old white velvet coat with hood that would complete the Sonja Henie look, should you decide to go for the Norwegian blonde locks look. Between you and Bibi, I've been reminded why I take my silvered locks to the professional who knows what I mean when I say "tea red". Roibos in winter, Earl Grey in summer -- with wiglets* in bags to match, dahlings.

    *The last time I attempted DIY, I dyed my forehead and had to wear clip in bangs for a month!

  5. @Mim
    I do love a good vintage chypre, so I'll have to get hold of some Lady Rose Lion.

    I agree with you on Fracas-if you're going tuberose, it might as well be Fracas (or Truth or Dare if you're on a budget). I woke up with a terrible sore throat this morning, so perhaps the burning in my sinuses and throat from
    Carnal Flower was in fact, the start of a cold. I'll give it another try in a couple weeks, but I'm not hopeful.

  6. Oh my what a fabulous coat!! Guess you didn't win that lottery, and I was so looking forward to your visit. Stay warm and well.

  7. @Beth
    I recently discovered Amerimark is selling Weil perfumes-Secret of Venus and Bambou. If you like either, they're a cheap reliable place to get your hands on them. I spent enough years on skates that I don't think I'll be pursuing that look! A little Vaseline at the hairline is a good preventative measure when colouring hair.

    If I ever do become rich you're going to be the first stop on my world tour! I want to sit on your garden swing and hang out in paradise.
