
Saturday, May 07, 2016

But Wait, There's Still More!

Cinco de Mayo celebrations in Omaha run through Sunday, That's four full days of fun with tomorrow's Mariachi Mass, and Mother's Day concert still ahead. Today was the parade down 24th Street.

I had no idea I was falling out of my top. It would be nice if the boys would mention that to me, but no-they let me go flashing my tits all over Omaha.
We missed the "Running of the bulls" where people race down the street being chased by someone in a bull costume, but we did manage to get a good spot for parade viewing.
 I want to decorate our car like this!
 I'm sure getting to ride in the stagecoach was a huge thrill for those kids. It looks like fun.
 The pottery factory in the background is a place I have resisted since I first became aware of it. Combine my gardening obsession with a love of all things terracotta and it would be seriously dangerous for my budget. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll be unable to resist the place, but today I made certain we stood well away from it on the parade route so I wouldn't be tempted to "just pop in for a moment to see what's on offer." I know myself too well.

Today was a nice break from an otherwise horrible week. We couldn't stay outdoors long though, as smoke from various wildfires in Canada, Minnesota, and Iowa began to drift into the Omaha metro. The air quality is so bad here, I shudder to think of how awful it must be at the sources. Like everyone else, we've been watching the images from Alberta, and our hearts are breaking for the people fleeing their homes. It seems silly to complain about much of anything when I see what our Northern neighbours are enduring. 

 We did stick around long enough for Danny to see this year's beauty queens. It would be wrong to drag an eleven year old boy to a parade, and not let him stay long enough to see the beauty queens. She smiled, he blushed, and I held back a laugh. The power of a teenage beauty queen!
If I can drag myself out tomorrow, I'll have another full day of fun before I need to return to reality and another week that probably won't be much different from the last. 

Things got so awful by about mid-week that I finally forced myself out to the garden centre and I bought more plants I didn't need. I ended-up buying plants for two of my neighbours as well because I might not be able to change much in the current awful state of the world, but I can work on my own block. I have one neighbour that adores basil, so when I saw how nice the plants were this year, I had to get her one. My other neighbour got a geranium in the brightest, prettiest magenta colour I've ever seen. If I don't snap out of it soon, our row of houses are going to look like a botanical garden. I have some bright red salvia that need re-homing this weekend as well. 

I haven't been terribly motivated with respect to my wardrobe of late, but here's a couple outfits that worked better than expected.

1980's Susan Bristol gingham skirt-Goodwill
Talbot's cardigan-Hand-Me-Ups
White sleeveless top-Goodwill
Vintage woven bag-Goodwill
Milk glass bracelet-Hand-me-Ups
Necklace-Antique store in Massachusetts
Brooch-K mart
Matching vintage earrings and bracelet-Antique store in Wisconsin
Fragrance-I *think* it was vintage Miss Dior (it was earlier in the week, and I can't remember)

 This was May Day.

Of course I wore my favourite tulip skirt, but I also wore my vintage welder's coat. I was going to stand in the front yard belting out verse after verse of the Internationale, but Danny was embarrassed. Kids these days! Why, when I was his age we always sang labour songs in the front yard.
Arise ye starvelings from ye slumber, arise ye wretched of the earth...

Outfit Particulars:
Coldwater Creek skirt-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Chucks-Had 'em since High School
Top-K Mart
Vintage welder's jacket-Fairy Tail Costumes
Vintage basket bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Necklaces-Both Hand-Me-Ups
Bakelite bangles-several different stores\
Vintage crystal earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Diorissimo (because you must wear lily of the valley on May Day)

 The week wasn't completely awful, as I managed to set my hair, once. That's decent curl definition considering the humidity here. 

I'm going to go brave the smoke and shove more plants into dirt out behind the house. This is the first year I've planted the back patio area, and I'm looking forward to summer evenings surrounded by flowers, tiki lights, and pitchers of sangria. 

Hope you're having a nice weekend. 


  1. I'm starting to wonder if continuously smoke filled skies are going to part of the 21st century. Sort of like smoggy foggy dirty old coal burning England in the Industrial Age. If that's the case then I'm better off here where there's at least the promise of decent air quality during the Monsoon season.
    I predict fender fringe to be the next big trend in vehicle decor!
    Loving your Spring-y "flash yer tits" outfit & tulip-y welder's jacket ensembles!

  2. I had no idea the wildfires were affecting the US too, it must be dreadful. We've seen stuff about the Canadian ones on the news. I feel so sorry for all the poor people affected.

    Tits Over Omaha sounds like a bawdy aviation movie. I'd watch it.

  3. From what was on view locally, I'd say that cleavage display was the done thing for a Cinco de Mayo parade, especially since you managed the floral hair doodad as well.

    That beautiful ensemble of blues and silvers coordinating a variety of nicely scaled textures is literally stunning, Goody! At first glance, it's a skirt and blouse with a cardi. Then one notices the how the pattern of the skirt 'touches' the weave of the bag, and then there's lots to admire without any element being the least overdone. Sometimes, more is too much.

    I'm not a fan of bright Mexican colors in my wardrobe; geranium and magenta in my flower beds is another matter. An old friend and I celebrate Mother's Day by shopping for potted plants and geraniums will definitely be on The List.

  4. I'd never heard of a Cinco de Mayo parade. The things you can learn from your blogging friends ... Compared to what you see on the streets these days, your flashing moment seems ok to me, Goody. Love both of the outfits and especially the tulip skirt. Hopefully they'll get the wildfires out of control soon. xxx

  5. How lovely to have such big celebrations for Mayday! It looks like loads of fun was had by all.

    It seems almost unimaginable to me that the smoke and pollution can drift so far but I have lived a sheltered life!

    I love all your outfits - those gingham and tulip skirts are fabulous. Love the curly hair - the first I've seen it on you I think....

    Just a word about men/boys not telling you had too much showing; I travelled on the underground with my brother some considerable distance, one day ( I was an adult); and kept getting lots of looks from other passengers. I concluded I must have been looking rather fetching - until I got home to find all my mascara had run in the rain and I had two enormous black brother never said a word!!

    Have a great week,


  6. @Bibi
    I sure hope this isn't going to be a regular feature of modern living.
    We're getting thunderstorms tonight, which helps clean the air, but we're also getting tornadoes. *Shrug*
    I need to get to the fabric store and do some serious redecorating of the car interior.

    I just went online and purchased several larger bras so hopefully I won't be suffering any further, "Wardrobe malfunctions." I've never worn a long-line, "Posture bra" before (There's only so much you can do with my posture as I have a spine that would make Richard III look healthy)but it closes in the front which is a great advantage at my age. If only they made bras that close with industrial strength velcro...

    Did you get your geraniums? We have a local nursery that always puts them on sale for Mother's Day.

    Hopefully the flashing you see on the streets are a younger set of knockers. I'm not a prude, but if I'm going to flash anything Id prefer it to be deliberate.

    The parade is a fun way for all the local charitable groups, school marching bands, etc. to get out into the community.

    Our May Day here wasn't nearly as exciting as I hear it was in more labour-friendly places. Nebraska is very conservative, so I was probably risking a punch in the nose even joking about singing the Internationale!

    Was your brother so oblivious he didn't notice, or was he afraid someone would think he gave you a punch in the eye?

  7. If you've got it, flaunt it! Nothing wrong with a bit of gratuitous tit display in my book!
    That looks like a ace event - glad Danny was able to stay and admire the beauty queens.
    Love the tulip skirt, the worker's coat and how gorgeous you look in baby blue. xxx

  8. I love a good parade! I dare you to go into the pot shop, go on you know you want to!!!
