
Monday, May 09, 2016

Sometimes, I Shop (Updated)

 The dress arrived today and was NOTHING like the description. Turning it inside-out I could see extensive cutting and re-sewing to take it in, and what might be the worst hem job I've ever seen. The zipper was puckered, the fabric snagged, and the sleeve coming apart at the seam. There's alterations, and then there's assault with a sewing machine. This was the latter. To me, that isn't "Very Good" condition. It was so misrepresented, I sent it back. Hopefully, the refund will go OK (I did contact the seller who claims after 13 years in business this has never happened, but they're sorry I'm "Not happy with my purchase." I'll be happy when the refund arrives. What kills me is that this is a supposedly reputable website that advertises on several vintage blogs. Anyway, I guess I counted my chickens before they hatched because I am still on the quest for my Grail dress. Boo hiss. Anyway, if anyone spots this sucker in a size 12-14, drop me an email.

I finally found a Paganne Mayan print dress in a size that is larger than a toothpick. It is missing the belt, but as it zips all the way down, I will likely wear it as a coat, or with a silver 60's link belt. I have been looking for this particular dress for a good forty years (probably more)! I would still happily buy another in black and white with the original belt if I could locate one in my size under $100.00 USD, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm going to be thankful for the one I found. Now that I have my, "Holy Grail" dress I'm not sure there's anything lacking in my collection. I'm serious. I now have a good representative late 60's/70's collection with items by all the usual suspects (Dior, Halston, YSL, Mr. Blackwell, de la Renta, Cashin, etc.) and I *think* I'm done. It shipped today, so I'll have to examine the condition when it arrives, but if it is good, I think that's it for my deliberate collecting. I feel like I achieved something important. Oh, I know it wouldn't seem like much of an accomplishment to most people, but I know you vintage collectors out there understand. I'm still in a bit of shock that I found one at a price I could manage.

Perfume is another story though. Tonight I ordered vintage Azuree (be still my heart!), Nahema, Chanel No.19, and some pure civet oil because I like to taunt the local cats I thought it would be interesting. I don't think I'll ever be done collecting perfume, though it would be good if I could perhaps slow down a bit. I am so backlogged with reviews, I really must apologize for not getting them posted in a timely manner. I promise, they're on the way (the dozen or so half-completed reviews sitting in my files are reviews of perfumes I've probably forgotten about now and need to re-wear to finish the writing!).

Finally, I bought some foundations because mine were sadly no longer up to the job as I've gained a tonne of weight. I bought them online at one of those, "Old People" catalogs where you can purchase shoes with arch supports, nose hair trimmers, and fleece pullovers with images of kittens. I'm an old lady, I want "Old Lady" undergarments. If they're good, I'll post the name of the company and do a review. I really hope they work out because our department store bras are mostly of the padded/push-up variety and lord knows, I don't need that!

Whew, that was a lot of on-line shopping. I'm exhausted, this calls for a drink. Remember in the old days when you had to get up off your behind, and go out to shop? No snotty sales clerks, no looking for parking, and no crowds. Much as I like to complain about technology getting ahead of me, I can truthfully say it has made this aspect of my life much easier.

Do you have a "Holy Grail" item that you've been seeking for years? If you found it, did it leave you satisfied, or did you just end up wanting something else?


  1. I guess affordable vintage Mitsouko is my holy grail, though the chance of finding that is about 0.

    Congrats on achieving your collecting goal. Your vintage collection must be amazing. Bet you'll still refine it from time to time, though, if you see a better piece to replace one you have. I don't know a collector of anything who doesn't do that!

  2. I'm glad you found your holy grail, Goody. I think it would indeed be nice worn as a coat. Usually, when I find something I've been looking for for a long time, it keeps turning up, so maybe you'll be lucky finding a black one with a belt too. xxx

  3. Serendipity strikes at last! This is an especially articulate specimen of 70s statement fashions, to be worn with lots of attitude (no doubt you've boxes of attitude in a top drawer), boots, perhaps a catsuit (?)and a shoulder bag on a chain. Hair sleeked back rather than up, more eye goop than usual? C'mon, Goody, even the owner of a DeLorean takes it out for a spin on a special occasion....where will you wear The Grail?

    When I was much younger and agile, I was involved in earth sciences education both as a student and a field trip guide. One fine day I nearly bumped my nose on a museum-worthy fossil, pried it out of its bed where it had rested for an eon or two, and proudly presented it to the collection of the university that had sponsored me. Mission accomplished!

  4. That is gorgeous and will look incredible worn as a coat. Loving the colour and the print.
    I've got the Ossie Clark, I'm just waiting for a Thea Porter (under £20) and I'll be happy! x

  5. OMG - 40 years? Hurrah - you've got it! It is fabulous and I can't wait to see you style it. Definitely worth waiting forty years for. And Azuree perfume? I'm well jel. It would mean a trip to Selfridges in London for me and I think you're right; it is 'Aramis' for women, so I might just as well buy some Aramis - that's always in the shops. I like 'Eau Savage' as perfume, too.

    Undergarments - now that is a word that conjures nostalgia. I used to have a Saturday job from age 15 working in a shop that sold everything including undergarments. Older women were constantly trying and buying corsets, girdles etc to keep the mid section in check and the boobs up. I have a pair of long legged, shape wear knickers that I resurrect for special occasions. Finding a comfortable and well fitting bra is a delight and I wish you the best of luck!

    I'm still seeking the perfect animal print (faux) fur coat....

    Have a fab week!


  6. Gorgeous dress! I can't wait to see how you wear it. I got a Halston ultrasuede dress last year after wanting one for ages but I'm still too chunky to wear it. I would love a Rive Gauche/YSL dress from his 71 (I think) collection, but it will probably never happen.
    I hope the weather is good to you - I just saw the news about all of the tornadoes. Scary stuff! Be safe!

  7. @Mim
    I've heard that the most recent reformulation is closest to the original, but only in the edp. I'm getting ready to order a bottle, and I'll let you know.

    My collection isn't exceptional, but I have been able to find the pieces I want. I still end up with things that don't really fit with my overall collection but are too good to leave (like a mustard yellow 1940's crepe suit by Eisenberg for $3.59 at Goodwill last week). I'm a bit of a cheapskate, so I hardly ever spend much on an item, no matter how good it is.

    I hope that's true! Wouldn't that be great to keep finding them? I know there's a slightly different maxi version I wouldn't mind owning ;)

    That's the difference between earth sciences and anthro-we'd need to know the exact provenance of the item before removing it.

    The only social activity I regularly engage in is the Friends of the Library book sale (Thursdays, and first Saturday of the month) but I suppose it would be an appropriate look. They're used to me turning up in strange clothes.

    Thea Porter has had recent retrospectives, which always makes it harder to find the pieces, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I love your Clark-I'm glad you haven't sold it as it looks like it was made for you.

    I bought the vintage formulation Azuree from the 70's, which is a *bit* more intense than the reformulated one. I'm a little worried I'll try it and not be able to tell the difference and feel like a fool.

    I also worked in foundations when I was young, though I spent most of my time trying to convince super-skinny women that they didn't need girdles. I was part salesperson, part therapist. I'd end up sending them downstairs to buy control-top tights instead. Corsets are back again-the boned/lace-up sort. Can you imagine?!

    Someday you will find that animal print coat-I'll keep an eye out for you.

    Halston Ultrasuede, *Swoon*.
    The tornadoes were close-by, but we only got some rain.
    The '71 collection was good for dresses, but I insist you look for the feathered coat as well (that was my all-time favourite YSL Rive Gauche piece, but I've never felt compelled to own one).

  8. Never heard of Paganne but that Mayan print dress is gorgeous!
    Perfume collecting never ends. I won Mandy Aftelier's book & some perfume samples from which included some real ambergris/tincture d' whale poo on Perfume Shrine. Great book and straight ambergris smells surprisingly human, like dirty hair at the beach! I have civet both green & mature from a Givaudan trained chemist I know. I'm starting a collection of natural oil to maybe make a perfume reminiscent of Nepal - black cardamom, wood smoke, Himalayan pine, petrichor, nag champa, & who knows what else?
    I pretend shop online all the time. When I go to the US I do most of my shopping online for my Indian tribe's mass quantity underwear & shoes because the prices are so much better than at brick & mortar stores.
    Toodle pip!

  9. Heard it has been pretty windy over your way, sure hope you are all ok.

  10. Holy Grail Batman!! That dress is gorgeous. And YES, I can understand the joy and completeness you'd feel by acquiring this dress.

    My holy grail is a Hudson's Bay that fits me properly. I may have to break down and actually buy one, brand new. Not frugal at all, I know!

    Yup, growing old sucks (not that you look it). Hope the new foundations are comfy and do their job (and don't cost the earth!!).

    happy thrifting ;)

    p.s. Don't forget to post a blog that dress! I want to see how you accessorize it. Maybe wear it as a coat, for a walk in the park. Then wear it as a dress, for a library gala?

  11. Updated comment: Boo! Hiss! May ants infest the coffee corner of the office that perpetrated this fraud upon you! May weevils wiggle in their sugar bin!

    Danny reads this blog, so we won't publish the curses I'd hurl at the perp who committed assault with a sewing machine on the dress.

  12. @Bibi
    Danny wants me to buy him a starter kit from Perfumer's Apprentice, but I am going to wait for net year's chemistry class. I can imagine the sort of things he would come up with. "Is that Buyteric acid, or did you really throw up?"

    I'm sure your perfume will be MUCH nicer!

    We're all fine! It has been one crazy spring so far.

    @Thrifty Parka
    I'll spare you the story of my childhood trauma being forced to wear a Hudson's Bay coat...for years (they bought it big) in a place where no one wore that sort of thing. Do you want the multi coloured one or the red with the black stripe? Mine was the later...I still haven't forgiven my parents.

    I always liked, "May the Devil take all your teeth but one...which he's saving for a toothache!" As curses go, that just about says it all.

  13. Augh, I have just seen your update - that's so annoying! It's good that you have the courage to send it back, I'm rubbish at returning things. The seller can't have failed to notice all those alterations. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that Vix finds your grail dress for you, as she has the gift for turning up amazing things.

    (I'm still mad about the £70 1930s dress I got from a 'reputable' seller that turned out to be badly faded at the bottom from grey to a nasty nicotine grey, and had a broken zip. I ought to try dyeing it and replacing the zip so it's at least wearable, I couldn't sell it on in that state, let alone for anything near what I paid for it.)

  14. Updated blog post - nooooooo!!! That's such a disappointment and good for you to send it back, despite it being your holy grail item. Honestly, I'm horrified by some vintage sellers. Things can get missed, its only human not to spot a tiny darn, a missing hook and eye or a couple of stitches missing from a side seam but that really is unforgivable. xxx

  15. @Mim
    If something is that misrepresented, most dealers will take it back rather than face a bad review (It helps to gently let them know you have an established vintage blog). I did get a full refund (plus shipping both ways) so I won't "Name and shame." Sometimes sellers get too large and have help that isn't as thorough as they would personally be. The dress you bought sounds like a deliberate rip-off.

    They were good about the refund, but yes-that's not something that would have been easy to miss.

  16. :-( I'm such a wimp, she kept going on at me about the low Etsy score I gave her, so in hte end I gave her five stars so she'd sod off.
