
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What's the Buzz (ing)?

It was a perfectly lovely day, so we got up early and headed over to the Ak-Sar-Ben (Nebraska, backward) aquarium in Schramm state park. I've been bringing Danny here since he was a toddler, and he's never tired of visiting.

The aquarium is quite nice (and admission is free) but our reason for visiting is the wonderful variety of birds that come to the feeders, and the indoor space that lets you view the birds without disturbing them. There's flora, and fauna, and the nicest people you'll ever meet working there. We spent about an hour doing a checklist of birds before going to wander about outside in the park. 

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage (early 80's) Laura Ashley dress-Goodwill
Old Navy shoes-Goodwill
Vintage 60's/70's vinyl handbag-Goodwill
Liz Claiborne leather belt-Goodwill
1960's purple clip earrings-New Life Thrift
Clear bangle-bought it when I was expecting because nothing I owned would fit my swollen wrist, and this one is HUGE!
Purple bangle-Goodwill
Purple ring-K Mart
Fragrance-NONE! State Parks are not a good place for perfume (I'll get to that in a bit). 

We spent a bit of time goofing about and taking photos beside this sign on the building. I must have been there a good five minutes before noticing a number of wasps buzzing my head. I'd swat them away, annoyed but not really thinking much about them until...
...I glanced up. Shit. Oh shit!

I got the hell out of there (quickly and quietly) without disturbing the very large hive directly above my head. Good work, nature girl! 
Thank god I skipped the perfume.


  1. I would never thought Nebraska would have any aquarium. My mop came from Nebraska.
    Coffee is on

  2. How fab is that Laura Ashley dress? I don't think I've seen an 1980s one I've ever liked (too Princess Di) until now. You look beautiful in it.
    A free aquarium? I'd be in there all the time, too. xxx

  3. Gorgeous blues, Goody! They suit your summer coloring beautifully!

    Quite right forgoing perfume where stinging insects dwell. Our local science club for kids once learned that Avon's "Honeysuckle" was a very poor choice for mother/mentors on hot summer days at the county fair. One smart little lad (Danny reminds me of Herschel) came to his mother's rescue by turning an enormous hog fan on her. Whisked away the wasps in a whoosh - along with her AquaNet hairstyle (also a bad choice).

  4. Love your Laura Ashley dress. I'd never have guessed it was LA - it's too simple - no furbelows or folderols, just that lovely print. It suits you so well and you look cool, calm and collected.

    You know it had never occurred to me that perfume might attract insects - dohhhhh! The funny thing is insects never bother me; not even when I'm out walking across fields and through woods,or by rivers. On the other hand, my OH is plagued by them and always carries a small branch to swish them away!

    Talking of perfume, the 'Violet Eyes' is a winner for me. I'm off to buy some more tomorrow. I'll forego the Green Tea variants as they don't last; a complete waste in my opinion; what's the point of perfume that doesn't last?

    Your aquarium sounds fab and the chance to see all those birds must be magical.

    Enjoy the rest of the week and try not to melt!

  5. That dress really suits you - it's a lovely silhouette.

    Wasps are evil little gits, I hate them.

    Now you and Veronica are making me want a bottle of Violet Eyes, and I need to use up some of the perfume I've got before I buy any more!

  6. I love your dress! Laura Ashley fabrics are always so nice. I'll bet the wasps thought you were a garden. I love backwards talk. Od I sey!!

  7. A Laura Ashley print that doesn't look like bedsheets! YAY!
    Love that dress on you, so elegant and summery!
    I made a bug repelling perfume for the Monsoon. It smells like lemongrass & baby powder. Not the classiest fragrance you'd ever try but it works!
    We're going on a family vacation for about a week so no posts on my blog for a bit.

  8. @Dora
    We have a wide variety of fish in the Platte River and in our lakes out west. At first glance though, we do seem like little more than cornfields.

    I have to admit a weakness for the super-frilly leg-o-mutton sleeved dresses. I have a few that are sadly, too small for me now. I hate what Laura Ashley has become today-poorly made junk like you see everywhere else.

    Ha! Yep, those industrial fans work a treat! Great story!

    I'm glad Violet Eyes worked out for you-it really is a lovely fragrance in an excellent price range.

    I have quite a bit of borage around which the bees love-it keeps them on the flowers and generally away from me.

    Use up what you have before buying more?! Woman, that's crazy talk! If I thought that way I wouldn't own hundreds of bottles of perfume...wait, okay whatever.

    These days I can barely speak forwards ;)

    Enjoy your holiday. I hope you go somewhere less hot and humid.

  9. What a lovely dress, and I like the sound of that aquarium. xxx

  10. @Ann
    The aquarium is interesting-it was built in the late 50's, and really looks it. I like the old-fashioned design, but it is starting to fall apart and frequently smells of mildew. I guess that adds to the overall charm of the place.
