
Saturday, July 02, 2016

Firecracker, Firecracker, Boom, Boom, Boom!

A few days before Independence Day, and the fireworks have begun in earnest. I don't mean the city-sponsored shows, though there was a display last evening after the concert at Memorial Park. No, I mean the locals that have been lighting up our neighbourhood each evening. If I had a dog that was frightened by fireworks I might feel differently, but rather than viewing the home displays as a nuisance, I rather enjoy them. Last evening, we took a walk to the college next door which sits at a higher elevation for a better view of the colourful explosions being set off around us. Tonight will be a bust as it is expected to rain through tomorrow, but Sunday and Monday (the 4th) look clear and we'll be taking full advantage of our, "Secret" fireworks-watching location. I don't miss the drunken crowds at the shows one bit. 
Outfit Particulars:
Vintage polyester dress-Fairy-Tail Costumes, Omaha
High-Heeled sneakers-Goodwill
Vintage Dorset-Rex Style purse-Antique mall
Bangles-several places
Vintage bakelite and rhinestone earrings-New Life Thrift
Belt-Came with a dress
Silk Cardigan-Jordan Marsh, about 25 years ago (it is finally ready to retire as the wrists are so worn I can only wear it folded-up at the sleeves)
Fragrance-Good old, Shalimar! Sometimes I go classic

I had completely forgotten I owned this bag until I saw Tasha at By Gum, By Golly carrying a similar one. I know these bags were popular (my mum had one she kept loose photographs in) but it is always fun to see how someone else wears theirs. There's no way in hell you're ever going to see my ass in a pair of bright orange pedal-pushers (and we can all be thankful for that) but I do admire the way that outfit is put together. What I did take away from her post is that you can mix orange and green bangles something that in all my years, never would have occurred to me. I learn so much from other bloggers! Just when you think there's only so many ways to style a straw bag and arm full of bangles, someone creative comes along to show you the potential in items you already own. 

Outfit Particulars:
R&K Knits dress-Goodwill
Bangles-several places
Vintage brooch-Yard sale
Straw bag-Garage sale
Bakelite earrings-New Life Thrift
Hair flower-Tiff and Tam
Fragrance-Rive Gauche

Have a great weekend and remember-there's no such thing as, "Anti-Humidity Hairspray."

Really, there isn't. I've tried them all! Save your money, and buy a nice lippy instead.


  1. Goody - you look the bees knees! I love that blue and red dress and the little bag is so cute. My favourite has to be the patterned one with the yellow bolero. Such lovely colour coordination and the green and orange bangles look fab. I'll be mixing my colours now, too! I love that bag.

    On my first ever blog post, I had a lovely straw bag that I thought was from the 1950s - Vix agreed with me - but I put too much stuff in it and the lid and body parted company for ever...

    We, too have a rather exclusive vantage point for fireworks. Every year there is something called 'Proms in the Park' in Bedford. This year it is featuring Tom Jones and Dizzee Rascal. At the end there is always a spectacular fireworks display and as we live close to the park (3 mins walk away) we gather at the bit of park that isn't cordoned off for the concert; sit on the grass and enjoy! Unfortunately, the last couple of years we've missed it by being in Ireland at the time. Hey ho.

    Have a great week and 4th of July.


  2. I'm not a fan of fireworks, but I'm loving both of your outfits! xxx

  3. Those are fab outfits - I especially like the warm colours in the second one, but they're both great.

    I like fireworks. We should be hearing them round our way in a couple of weeks' time (or possibly less) when Muslim families set them off to celebrate Eid, though November 5 is our big national time for fireworks. I bet you have amazing displays in the US!

  4. Loving both outfits and drooling over that stack of bangles especially.
    Fireworks look spectacular but I wish they'd be banned from general public sale and used in organised displays instead. Our poor cats hate them.
    Happy 4th July, enjoy your long weekend. xxx

  5. @Veronica
    Tom Jones and Dizzee Rascal sounds like quite the billing!
    I too have learned the hard way that you must not over-stuff a vintage bag (sort of like over-feeding a baby, except you don't have to clean up after the bag ;)

    Thank you. The downside of fireworks is how terrible they make the air quality for a couple days after.

    We were set to visit London last year for Bonfire Night, and then thought better of bringing an asthmatic kid oversees to get sick. Fireworks aren't the greatest for breathing either, but bonfires I think, would be too much.

    I thought the budgie would go nuts after listening to the neighbours setting them off last evening, but he seemed oblivious to it. Poor cats, it must be terrifying for them.

  6. I think I've found the coolest blog on the internet. Ps. Try Living Proof control hairspray. I am a hairstylist and even I was shocked at how well that range blocks humidity.
