
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sunshine Superman

I put this post together last week, along with a few others. I don't anticipate getting dressed for a bit, and my swollen, post operative face isn't the sort of thing I'd want to put all over the internet. I'll be back eventually (once the vertigo passes) but until then, through the magic of the internet, here's another post.
 You thought I'd go for Mellow Yellow, didn't 'ya?

Some days I have to bring my own sunshine. I won't burden you with my mood, not when there's a pair of bright yellow flares to make everything better brighter.
Bell bottoms (and then some). I love these so much. There's a matching jacket which I don't love, so I matched the trousers up with this ancient polyester jacket I can't even remember buying. That's frightening, though I don't think I've owned it long enough that I bought it new (not impossible, but I don't think that's the case). No matter, the pieces work beautifully together. For years I avoided wearing yellow as I thought I looked sickly in it-then I figured out I need a deeper hue. Sure, I'd love to have a tan to go with it, but that ain't happening.
The trees have started leafing out. Everything feels strange this year as we've been cool, but just warm enough for the birds and insects to be out and about.
Two new-ish rings that are fast becoming favourites.

Outfit Particulars:
1970's Sears flares (part of a suit)-Thrift World
1970's polyester jacket-Can't remember
1970's/80's blouse-Goodwill
Vintage earrings-New Life Thrift
Vintage tourist tote-Goodwill
Fragrance-Rive Gauche

 I'm working my way onto a diet of mashed potatoes, eggs, and thin oatmeal. It ain't much, but at least it isn't liquid. I always knew I hated yoghurt before this surgery, but now I know just how much I hate it. If I had the energy, I'd go throw it at the fence. Vile, vile stuff. Instant mashed potatoes on the other hand, are food of the gods. I'm seeing the vertigo specialist on Monday, so hopefully I can get some help with whatever this extraction unleashed. At any rate, I'm moving forward (save for a few tumbles down).


  1. I hope that vertigo gets sorted soon. As if you hadn't had enough to deal with.
    I've got that Portuguese cock bag somewhere (mine's in blue and white). The yellow flares are magnificent.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Hope you feel better soon.

    You look great in yellow, and those shoes are perfect!

    --Emily from Etsy

  3. What a 70's Springtime Spectacular outfit!
    I was just wondering if polyester pantsuits will ever make a comeback? Well, I guess they sorta did with Hillary's trademark uniform. Polyester pantsuits were my mom's 70's uniform too. They're showing a lot of 90's does 70's velour tracksuits for Spring again so I guess the 70's still live on!
    Love those serape striped wedges!
    Stay narcotized & get well soon!

  4. @Vix
    Thank you. It certainly seemed to come out of nowhere, but I guess all that tugging in my head did something. The anti-dizziness meds have been a godsend.

    Thank you. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new 'fumes to lift my spirits.

    *Hangs head* I recently purchased a velour track suit at K Mart. Blue and black. It is incredibly comfortable for watching television in our cold basement. I wouldn't wear it out though. There aren't enough gold chains in my wardrobe to make that look good as streetwear.

    Hillary's suits were so awful (and expensive). I mean fine, you find something that works for you and you order it in every colour and keep wearing it for years like Merkel does, but at least choose a good suit to stick with.

  5. Hope the dizziness will go away soon. It must be awful, especially on top of everything else. Love the yellow bell-bottoms (I much prefer "bell-bottoms" to "flares"!), and how you styled them with that pussy-bow blouse and the stripy wedges. xxx

  6. The vertigo sounds horrible :-(

    How about a nice lentil dal, that's soft, and you can add water to make it runnier if you need to. I bet Bibi's got some amazing recipes.

    Those flares are fantastic. Sunshiny indeed!

  7. Polenta? A nice egg custard? Tofu? Smoothies? I do empathize with your aversion to yoghurt: ate gallons of the stuff post-dental-op and still regard it as "medicinal".

    Once again I'm impressed not only by your combination of primary garments (trousers and jacket)but also by your choice of accessories! The colored shoes and the vintage tote are so NOT basic boring black!

    About the vertigo -- let's hope that being able to chew again will help equalize pressure in the ears and sinuses.

  8. Goody-
    Nina McLemore is the 'designer' & former Liz Claiborne exec that is responsible for Hillary's signature confidence exuding C-Suite power pantsuit look-

    "McLemore will never create a blazer with a power shoulder (too unflattering) and keeps the silhouette neat but allows plenty of room around the back and arms for ease of movement and gesturing. Anything else? “A jacket that’s buttoned is more slimming than jackets that aren’t.”

    The outfits I've seen of Ms McLemore in look perfectly tailored, WTF happened with her wonky $$$s suits for Hillary I wonder?

  9. I hope you get the vertigo sorted, Goody - it's horrible! I've suffered from Labrinthytis on a couple of occasions so I do know what vertigo is like...

    I love the outfit. What is it about being attracted to yellow (and orange) as we mature? Someone should do a study on it. You look fabulous in yellow and I really like how you've paired it with a dotty blouse and striped wedges. The new rings are fab.

    Onwards and upwards!

  10. @Ann
    We use the terms rather interchangeably in the US though to my mind bell-bottoms are the wider ones.

    I just need Bibi to come visit and cook for me ;)
    I've been stirring hummus into instant mash. It doesn't sound nice, but it isn't bad.

    It would probably help if I could open my jaw. I'm learning to like Carnation Instant Breakfast though.

    Ah, now that's interesting. I dunno, I guess some people defy style?

    I have two days of appointments to get this diagnosed (which seems like overkill). I'm sorry to hear you've had to deal with vertigo-it is terrible.

  11. This outfit is glorious!
    I am glad to read that your extraction itself went ok but am very sorry to hear of the suffering afterwards. I do hope that by the time I write this you are feeling well again.

  12. @Radostin
    I'm doing much better, though I still have a gaping hole where the tooth was. I have no idea how long that should take to close up, but I'm getting pretty annoyed with a soft diet.
