
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Understated Floral

Edited: I wrote this prior to surgery so there would be something to post as I recuperate. Needless to say, I ain't lookin' my best at the moment . I'm coming along fine though, so I hope you enjoy the written-in-advance posts this week. 
When I hear, "Spring Florals" the first thing that comes to mind are prints. Today, I was in the mood for something Spring-like without the traditional floral print. I remembered this dress I bought to harvest  the daisy shaped buttons from. Combined with a floral necklace and earrings I was able to achieve the seasonal look I wanted without unpacking more of my warm weather clothing. Yes, I do feel clever. 

Sheer black tights. Sigh. I swore I'd never wear them again, but after a distance of a couple decades they started looking good again. I don't think I'm ready to don them with formal wear, or with 5 inch heels for the 80's version of sexy, but with a nylon dress adorned with twee little daisy buttons, it kind of works. 

I added a jacket because it is still too cool to go without something. A cardigan would have worked too, but the jacket was the first thing I grabbed. The handbag is something I bought a few years ago but never used. It seems early for a raffia bag, but being black I hope it doesn't look like I'm hurrying things along too soon. I have the identical bag in beige, but I think I'll wait a month or two for that. I saw the first Meadowlark of the year today, and it was singing. Clearly the birds think it is spring whether the humans agree or not.

Outfit Particulars:
1980's nylon dress-Goodwill (I think)
1950's jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
1960's Ritter straw purse-Goodwill
Wood bangles-Et Cetera, Seward, NE
Belt-K Mart
Shoes-K Mart
Necklace and earrings-K Mart
Brooch on jacket-Goodwill
Large silver and copper Scandinavian Modernist ring-Goodwill 
Fragrance-Patou Sublime
I haven't decided whether to remove the buttons and discard the dress, or keep it for days when the weather is flaky and I'm feeling uninspired. There's certainly no shortage of nylon dresses from the 80's on the rails at the thrift store, and I'm not sure it deserves space in my wardrobe. My big fear is at some point, this sort of thing will become sought after, and I'll wish I'd kept it. Sigh, that's the problem with buying something for the buttons-you end up keeping the dress. Or I do, anyway. Tough call, this one. I can't be the only pone that does this. Do you buy clothes for trim or buttons and end up keeping a less than spectacular item because it, kinda works? Do tell.


  1. That's quite a lovely dress, actually, and I'm not sure I could separate it from its buttons, however cute they are. I have indeed bought garments for their buttons only, but I've never had a rethink on the garments, as they're usually not something I'd remotely wear. Glad to hear you are coming along fine! xxx

  2. Bonjour, Mlle. Madeleine! A Breton hat and a bookbag, et voila! That collar stirs memories of those charming books about a time when serious young ladies wore navy blue in spring...

    Buttons? I've a great glass jar of them inherited from my female ancestors who sewed. They made dresses; moi, I "upgrade" boring shirts with their 30's and 40's plastic novelties. (And if I ever find a white summery beret, I'll cover it in flower buttons!)

    Yes, I've bought Goodwill garments in unwearable sizes in order to get the fabric which I cut up for other "upgrades". (I've been inspired by Vintage Vixen's projects.)

  3. I hope you're recovering well, Goody!
    That dress is fab, I love the yellow necklace and the framed bag.
    It's fake fur coat weather here, I'd probably contract hypothermia if I left the house in a jacket. xxx

  4. You are looking very chic, Goody. I actually like the dress and no, I've never bought anything for the buttons or trim as I avoid sewing as much as I can!

    The floral necklace is fab and the bag reminds me of those plastic handbags made of lots of little balls or spheres that were very popular in the late 60s. I had one and loved it.

    Glad to hear you are recovering well.

    I've been hearing skylarks here for about 6 weeks!

  5. Buttons are rare and expensive in South Asia so I do indeed save them. Old clothing gets donated to servants or chopped up for kid's clothes here. (I save mine for backgrounds on my blog though).
    The first thing I thought of when I saw that dress was Thanksgiving 'pilgrim.' Not sure how that bodes on the dress' fate.
    So glad your surgery went well!

  6. Nice nod to spring without getting too obvious. And *excellent* choice of perfume there - I do love Patou. Such a great house.

    I've no suggestions on the buttons, I'm afraid, as I've never bought things for the buttons. I've bought buttons for things I've never made, but that's a different story...

    (I have a parcel to collect from the Post Office - could it be from you?!)

  7. @Ann
    When I bought the dress I really thought I'd never consider wearing it. Never say, "Never" I guess.

    That must be fascinating going through the old buttons of the women in your family. Someday, you'll find that beret.

    You have the best new coat to cope with the cold. That said, I hope it warms up for you soon.

    Those poor skylarks must be freezing!

    I'm so out if it, the first read of your comment had me see it as, "Servants chopped up for children's clothes." I'm glad I took the time to re-read that!

    I'd be shocked if it arrived that quickly, but might be. I'd be impressed with the US postal service if it indeed is my parcel.

  8. I am definitely with you on the buying clothing for buttons, trim, or a part, and then ending up keeping the whole - the trick is to disassemble as immediately as possible so there is no chance of a backtrack. I do actually quite like this dress despite the fact that, like Ms Maizoon, I immediately thought of pilgrims.

  9. @Radostin
    Sadly, I don't have any shoes with Pilgrim buckles or I could put it all together as a Thanksgiving costume.
