Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Friendly Reminder

 I know there are people who come to the blog for photos, recipes, etc (great!) without knowing much about me. Yes it is a public blog, but like most people I don't let it all hang out on a public forum. That said, I've been very clear about what will and won't be tolerated here. I guess with the year being new it is a good time for a recap.

No Anti-Americanism-You can find fault with us and be critical. What you can't do is come here making it a vile attack on a nation of 330 million people as though we're some sort of monolith. We know what's wrong with us (trust me) and you can point that out,  but you can't make it personal. 

No anti-Trans attacks-If someone calls themselves a man or a woman that's good enough for me. I don't care which bathroom you use.

No Racism, Sexism, Ethnocentrism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Palestinian hate, Ageism,  Anti LGBTQ+  You are however still free to savage neo-nazis, right wing assholes, anti-vaxxers, and Nebraska Governor Pete Rickets. 

No Diet Talk, ever. This is a body neutrality positive space. Diet culture is not welcome. You can do as you please with your own body but I don't have to provide a space to talk about it. Get your own blog. 

No Anti-Science Talk-including but not limited to climate denial, anti vax, and Creationism. I am not interested in your vitamin cures, yoga, salt lamp meditation, jade vagina eggs to cure what ails me. Unless you have something that can astral project my ass out of here, I'm not interested. I don't like kale.

This isn't simply about my feelings, it is about keeping this a safe, welcoming place for the other people that visit. Comment threads are visible to anyone and I won't have someone being made to feel bad in my house. If you can't abide by that then this isn't the blog for you, but the good news is there are millions of blogs and you're likely to find someone better suited to your views. 

Try to be mindful of people's feelings when you comment. 

Happy New Year.


Polyester Princess said...

I think I can live with that :-) xxx

Beth Waltz said...

Me, too, Polyester Princess. As for kale, I say if Mme. ETB can't devise a recipe to make it palatable, there's no need to apologize for not liking it.
("jade vagina eggs"? There's a clickbait article I missed. Just as well.)

Emily said...

As someone who eats kale on a regular basis, I am deeply offended!!! Just kidding. : )

I may like kale, but I'd never force it on anybody.

Anonymous said...

I cook kale every once in a while. For a change in greens. We prefer it sautéed with garlic and onions and serve it along with mashed potatoes .Occasionally putting it in soups. I have tried growing kale but I do well with Swiss chard growing in pots on my front porch. I think the home grown always tastes better because it can be picked young and tender.

Take Care,
Gail from Pa.

Gloria Williams said...

There’s entirely too much kale on this planet, and so much other good stuff to eat!

bahnwärterin said...

goody - i´m glad you´r here!
i really like your opinion to politics and the entire life - and your humor - thats why i come to your blog. the recipes and fashions are a welcome bonus, the icing on a very good cake rich of genuine ingredients......
@kale: folks - there was a time when people in middle & northern europe´s winters had nothing else to feed them with vitamins - beside of some wrinkled apples stored away in cellars...... i´m still wondering how this has become a trend with the hipsters. and whats next? eating oak and fir sproutings?
no - not eating - drinking a smoothy of cause ;-P
goody - much love to you! xxxx

Sheila said...

What's with all the kale talk? I'm offended! Hee hee, just kidding, Goody.

I love that you spelled it all out and I nodded along. I wish we didn't have to say these things and could all be reasonable people. Sigh. People gonna people, though.

Happy New Year! I'm so glad I found your blog this year! Or you found me? I forget. Anyway, I come here for you (and for your amazing clothes and I want to ransack your closet and run away giggling maniacally, ahem). You are awesome.

Vix said...

Kale is the devil's own work!
I hope you're not getting too many of those vile comments I've seen pop up on other blogs. If people have strong views they need to start their own blog instead of using others as a platform to vent their dubious views. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi! Well said! Thank you for that. As for kale, well, I don't care for it either. I eat plenty of other veggies that I enjoy more. Love your blog and always look forward to seeing what you have to say and what you're wearing (and cooking!). Happy New Year to you and your family. Cheers from Arlene in NJ

Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Well said, Goody!

Jade vaginal eggs? WTF?

Cee said...

Well said and Happy New Year, Goody !

Señora Allnut said...

I always enjoy your writting and your attitude and humour!, not only here because of my love of your recipes and delightful fashion!. ;DD
I think that most of your no-no's are just common sense, it's sad that these things have to be even said!, probably everybody is becoming more and more impolite and rude in the internet!
Lovely to read you!

Mim said...

Heh, I love you. And there's not a thing on your list I'd disagree with!