Thursday, July 04, 2024

As One Judge Said to Another, "If You Can't Be Just, Be Arbitrary"

Yeah, I don't want to talk about it either. I made that cake back in 2009. I suspect every American child that had the Betty Crocker Junior Cookbook lusted after that cake. These days I just lust after a functioning democracy. 


I really don't want to talk about it. 

We can change the national bird to the cuckoo. Feels more appropriate.

We've been having some absolutely wild weather. This storm produced 110 mph winds, tennis ball sized hail, and flooding. We missed the worst of that one. The river is
overflowing as I type. We live outside the floodplain and at the top of a hill, but parts of the city have been getting clobbered. *Sarcasm* At least we're no longer in a drought.

Couldn't make it to the Chicken Show in Wayne this year, but decided to wear my rubber chicken purse anyway. A good waterproof bag makes sense in this weather. 

Such a silly thing, but it does make people smile when I wear it out. 

Might as well post a few outfits. You've likely seen most of it before.

Layers are nice. The dress was too short for my comfort, so I improvised.

LillyAnn jacket

Still wearing Dan's shark shirt


Rare dress that looks interesting from the back as well.

Not vintage, but the print certainly looks it. 

Beach pajamas for the landlocked. I hated the pleating on the top, but the trousers were good


Not my sort of thing, but it cost .98 cents at the thrift store and I can keep it out of the landfill. Maybe I'll wear the top as a turban and go topless😆.

Well, I'm off to watch the fireworks down the street. It feels more like a wake than a birthday party. God speed, USA, it was grand.


Polyester Princess said...

So good to see you blogging again, Goody!
I've missed your fabulous outfits - Instagram just isn't the same - and your wonderful sense of humour! xxx

Anonymous said...

So nice to read your post . Your outfits are all interesting . I really like the stripe over dress with white skirt the best . It is a good solution to a common problem of too short dresses. . Very elegant.
Best Wishes
Gail from Pa.

bahnwärterin said...

fabulous dresses - all of them!!
and the famous chick purse too :-D
i would cut off the top of the junmpsuit - the trouses look good on you and the fabric is pretty...... and one always needs a turban....
as for democracy - europe is stepping back into the 19./early 20.century - fascists are risin in ever country. even "normal" people start talk stupid things and if one is not on their line that person gets declared an enemy......
i´m glad i´m quite old.
love to you! xxx

Vix said...

Welcome back to Blogland, you've been missed!
Thank f*ck the Great British public have seen the light and finally got rid of that bunch of b*stards - I've been elated since 5am yesterday.
Great round-up of outfits, the Hawaiian maxi is my favourite! xxx

Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

Your outfits were fabulous. Too many fab ones to choose a favourite but the rare dress is up there - and of course the rubber chicken bag! I want one! I don't have words for what happened in the USA either - I think we might need to start praying...

Thank God we have a new government here; the Tories have run every part of our infrastructure into the ground and it will be some job to build it up again; so good luck is needed amongst other things.

I am liking the longer hair - are you growing it out or will you cut it short again?

Anonymous said...

Oh hi! I found your blog just as you stopped posting. I am so happy to read you again. Thank you for sharing your recipes and the CLOTHES! Olivia in the PNW