Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Just Write A Letter

 I had another post ready for today but pictures of outfits and complaining about the cold felt somewhat inappropriate after...well, yeah. I'll keep this brief.

By the way, we all saw what we saw. It wasn't an awkward mistake (twice) and they're trying to spin it, but you know what you saw. That wasn't AI-it was live television around the world. They're going to memory hole everything now and call it fake. You saw that, and so did I. 

Word today that Facebook was blocking use of words like, Democrat. I haven't fact checked that, but I'd already more or less made up my mind.

And on that note, I deleted Facebook and Instagram. Years worth of photos I'll never look at again anyway. I don't need social media to have memories. I can't do anything about misinformation but I also don't need to be part of keeping it alive. They make it sound like somehow people never kept in touch before social media. The absurdity, that you need them to keep your social connections intact. Friends? 99% of my "Friends" weren't people I knew or interacted with and were likely bots and  scams. I spent more time blocking and deleting than it was worth. They give you nothing. You give them everything. We are the product. Anyway, I had enough. Thankfully Tumblr is such a joke of a site that hasn't had any support for years and more or less operates in a feral manner because no one has managed to make a profit from it. If they sell it again, and that changes, I might need to go. Same thing here. I have no idea how long the poor neglected blogger will continue but as it makes no money for Google, I suspect it is in the death throes. 

Speaking of keeping in touch-I had an email from someone I hadn't seen/heard from in 20 years this week. If they could find me, surely it isn't that hard? 

Anyway, it has been over 24 hours and we aren't in a war yet, so I guess there's that. USA friends, look after our vulnerable ones because they need us more than ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Goody, for writing this-I really needed to read this tonight-yesterday & today have me so depressed! I agree with your opinion of Facebook & instagram- I quit Facebook long ago. There are a very few people on instagram that I follow, mostly sewists, & quilters, everyone else seems to be selling something. On Monday, I started a monthly donation to ACLU, & canceled my Washington Post subscription. I will stick with the NYT. I enjoy, and agree with, you everything you write. Please keep writing your blog! Kathy in Maryland